3 months ago

In this clip from a recent Haïti Inter interview, Haitian historian and journalist Michel Soukar argued that the political class and others who benefit from the socio-economic turmoil in Haiti deploy and maintain gangs, asserting the Haitian police have always had the competence and resources to combat them. Still, when close to capturing gang leaders, operations would be called off, forcing police to retreat.

@soukarmichel (X) further explained that disaster capitalism, where reconstruction serves the interests of foreign and capitalist entities, has further destabilised Haiti.

The West has long exploited the Caribbean country for cheap labour with the help of compliant Haitian politicians. About 100 years after Haitians ousted French enslavers, the United States began controlling Haiti and stealing its wealth through military force. Later, UN peacekeeping forces missions failed amidst foreign-backed coups d’état. Now, Kenyan police are deployed to the Caribbean state on a US-backed mission, continuing the cycle of instability. 

What do you think of Soukar's comments? Let us know in the comments.

Video credit: @haiti_inter (X)

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