59. Combating Burnout and Thriving in Healthcare with Jenn Johnson, RN

2 months ago

In the latest episode of The Healer Revolution, I sit down with Jenn Johnson, RN, a seasoned nurse with over 15 years of experience and the author of the upcoming book Nursing Intuition: How to Trust Your Gut, Save Your Sanity, and Survive Your Career. We dive deep into the rising issue of burnout in healthcare and explore how reconnecting with intuition can be a game-changer for mental health and career longevity.

Jenn's insights go beyond nursing; they resonate with anyone working in high-stress healthcare roles—whether you're a doctor, therapist, social worker, or any other healthcare professional. She offers practical strategies for harnessing intuition as an essential tool to combat the overwhelming stress, exhaustion, and disconnection that many in the field face, especially in the wake of the pandemic.

In this episode, Jenn shares how intuition can not only help healthcare professionals navigate the chaos of daily shifts but also improve patient outcomes and create a more fulfilling work environment. We discuss how ignoring one’s gut instincts can contribute to burnout and cover practical ways to integrate intuitive practices into daily routines to strengthen resilience. Jenn's approach provides a lifeline for those looking to maintain their passion for their profession, protect their well-being, and enhance patient care.

Tune in to hear how Jenn’s message is transforming the way healthcare workers think about intuition and resilience, and why her book is an essential read for anyone in the field. This episode is packed with valuable takeaways for all healthcare professionals striving to thrive, not just survive, in their careers.

Copywrite @AmandaPanacea


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