#17 - The Importance of GPP and More Thoughts on Maintenance

2 hours ago

It's a busy time of the year. Thanksgiving just happened, and Christmas is upon us. While we are rushing to meet deadlines, wrap up projects for the year, buy gifts, and finalize travel plans, training often falls to the wayside. Sometimes all you can do is turn training into exercise, where the goal is simply to do some work and try to "maintain" (insofar as that is possible) what you have built during the year.

By simplifying your lifting routine and some attention to your general fitness work, or General Physical Preparedness (GPP) as we sometimes call it, you can keep yourself from falling off the wagon and in good enough shape to return to productive training in the New Year.

Weights & Plates: https://weightsandplates.com

Robert Santana on Instagram: @the_robert_santana

Trent Jones: @marmalade_cream


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