Acts 23:9-35 - We Find No Evil in Paul - But Let's Kill Him Anyway

3 months ago

Although the scribes of the Pharisees admit, “We find no evil in this man” (Acts 23:9 NKJV), the dispute among the Pharisees and Sadducees becomes so heated that the Roman commander forcibly removes Paul from the gathering “fearing lest Paul might be pulled to pieces by them" (Acts 9:10 NKJV). While incarcerated in the barracks, Paul learns about the plot to assassinate him and informs the Roman commander, who has him escorted under guard at night to Felix the governor in Caesarea.
We see in this account, how God sovereignly directs circumstances in our lives according to His perfect plan and our good. We also see parallels between the Jews’ unjust conspiracy against Jesus, their treatment of Paul, and the unbelievers’ response to those who proclaim the name of Jesus today. Though today’s apostate church calls for unity at any cost, Pastor Kevin exhorts us to stand for the revealed truth of Scripture, just as did Paul and the Apostles, even when it causes dissension among the ignorant and unbelieving.
Associated notes, links, and the uncensored audio file are at under Sermon Archives, Acts,
Tags: Paul, unity

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