159.20241208 The 9/11 WarRoom

2 months ago


Lawmaker accuses acting Secret Service director of 9/11 publicity stunt and ‘auditioning’ to keep his post in tense exchange
See also: Explosive exchange about 9/11 at Secret Service hearing

The Wikipedia article on Ziad Jarrah, the hijacker pilot of Flight 93 from 9/11 says he had a girlfriend
See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ziad_Jarrah

Whitney Cummings @WhitneyCummings comedy routine accidentally revealed 9/11 conspiracy

A Target on Our Back: The Nonprofit Killer Explained

Christmas DVD Special: 50%-Off at the RG911 Superstore!

SAVE THE DATE: Dr. Madhava Setty to give Second Annual David Ray Griffin Lecture on Sunday, Dec. 15

5th annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference, LIVE December 14 & 15, 2024

Boston 9/11 Truth's interview line-up:
12/5 - Kristen Gasparini
See part 1 at: https://rumble.com/v5wnr12-singer-kristen-gasparini-joins-on-boston-911-truth-from-london-dec.-5-2024.html
See part 2 at: https://rumble.com/v5wyqs5-kristen-gasparini-on-boston-911-truth-1152024-part-2.html
12/12 - Magnus Langlete
1/2 - Wayne Coste/Craig McKee discuss Lloyde England and the Pentagon
1/9 - Andy Steele
1/23 - Phil Restino
2/6 - Nelson Martins
For more from Boston 9/11 Truth see Rumble.com/Boston911Truth or go to Boston911Truth.org


My letter in response to Scott Ritter saying, "I don’t want to hear anything more about 9/11."

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===CHAT LOG================

17:24:30 From Alfred Magaletta to Everyone:
really gutsy woman
17:30:12 From Larry Hanson to Everyone:
Thank you for keeping the breaking news of 911’s truth vs. the official myth that most Americans have swallowed without evaluating the evidence, and an inordinate trusting of mainstream establishment and media.
17:38:25 From Susan Serpa to Everyone:
For the Boston 9/11 Truth zoom meetings on Rumble, see https://rumble.com/user/Boston911Truth/videos
17:40:16 From Susan Serpa to Everyone:
Correction: https://rumble.com/c/c-6840053
17:44:00 From Susan Serpa to Everyone:
Speakers have been Trina and Chuck from TAP, Ted Walter, Wayne Costa, Barbara Honegger, Craig McKee, Raul Angulo, Marty Schotz, Marti Hopper, etc!
17:46:36 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
https://youtu.be/rAKDo4QCw3U?si=sMiBXGqlb37FJhI_ pentagon
17:51:03 From Myles Flaig to Everyone:
Jeffrey Sachs book club featuring Dennis Fritz https://youtu.be/3OjvEnYrCcw?si=HnnOxmOxwy254vnF
17:51:54 From Susan Serpa to Everyone:
for Boston 9/11 Truth invite, email sueserpa@gmail.com
17:57:53 From Gene Laratonda to Everyone:
18:02:41 From Susan Serpa to Everyone:
18:25:51 From Susan Serpa to Everyone:
18:31:52 From Diana Castillo to Everyone:
Yandex is a better search engine

===WHO WE ARE==============

The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.

Topic: The 9/11 WarRoom
Time: Every given Sunday at 5PM ET

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Contact Us:
Gene Laratonda

Sandra Jelmi

Pittsburgh 9/11 Truth:

Archives at the bottom of 911WarRoom.com

===9/11 Truth Movement Partners===============
Richard Gage, AIA RichardGage911.org
International Center for 9/11 Justice IC911.org
The Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry LCfor911.org or 911Lawyers.org
The Truth Action Project TruthActionProject.org

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