Dr. Mark Hyman: Ultra processed food dysregulates your appetite - Tucker Carlson

3 months ago

Dr. Mark Hyman: Everything You're Eating Is Toxic, and Big Pharma Likes It That Way

Dr. Mark Hyman: "The NIH did an incredible study where they took a group of people and they fed them for two weeks a whole foods diet matched for protein, fat, carbs, fiber. Then they fed them an ultra processed diet and they saw what happened to their biology."
"The ultra processed food, which is what 60% of our diet is, it's 67% of kids diet, it's 73% of the food on our grocery store shelves. When you eat that food, it dysregulates your appetite. You eat 500 calories more a day in a week. That's 3,500 calories. 3500 calories equals a pound of weight gain in a year. That's 52 pounds."
"So if Americans are eating this food, which is everywhere, which is ubiquitous, which were marketed to death on, I mean, kids get targeted. $14 billion, the food industry spends on marketing junk food to kids. They see an average of 30,000 ads a year. You can talk to your kid, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and snacks about healthy food, and you're not gonna be marketing. And this to me is criminal."
"Most countries have banned this. Most countries don't allow this. And for example, Chile has gotten all the food marketing to kids off between six in the morning and 10 at night. They have no more Tony the Tiger on Frosted Flakes, no more Toucan on the Froot Loops. I mean, I'm a cereal killer, to tell the truth. I am a cereal killer. I think cereal is the worst thing I've ever invented for humanity. It's basically 75% sugar."
"It's sugar for breakfast. It's dessert for breakfast. That's not what we should be eating. And so what's happened is there are ways in which we are making it so easy for people to make the wrong choice. And when you're exposed to these foods, you're going to gain weight, you're going to be dysregulated, you're going to destroy your microbiome, you're going to create inflammation, you're going to drive heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, autoimmune diseases."
"All these things are coming at explosive rates. And I've looked at the data and even though we're spending more and more, it would be fine if we were spending $5 trillion and America was getting healthy. It would be fine if we were spending $485 billion on drugs if they were working. But for Tucker, the drugs that we're using for the disease that we have are not the right treatment."
"The right treatment is changing what we're eating. And if you look at heart disease, it's up 50%. Cancer's up 30%, 60% higher in those under 50. So we're seeing cancer rates rising in the young in rates we've never seen before. Even though young people don't smoke cigarettes. No, it's the food. Colon cancer is the biggest thing."

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