World Power Hierarchy and Groups Above Country Leaders

1 month ago

I’ll probably get bashed for tying to red pill y’all and give you information but the truth hurts and until we get past the red and the blue, and the religion stuff nothing will change for the better. I fell into a deep depression but an inspiring journey when I found out the truth about Trump because I realized we were doomed either way. Around this same time I found out Jesus wasn’t born in December and UMM I’ll leave that topic alone for now but I’m working on a video about these Pagen holidays coming up. ALWAYS fact check and do your own research especially in this video because some of the power structure in probably inaccurate but I’m just trying to show that some groups of people rule our presidents and other world leaders.
This video was made by me and the content in the video is shared under Fair Use under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Links to all sources are listed below to give proper credit to the authors and to make it easier for anyone wanting to do more research on the topic.

world power hierarchy

Swiss OCTOGON Templars Luciferian Pharaon

3 City States that control the whole world

2 party system

American founded and ruled by freemasons

American founded by freemasons

American ruled by freemasons

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