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Prophet Julie Green - Judgment Day Is Coming for the One World Government - Captions
This live show, recorded on Friday, November 8th, 2024, encourages viewers with a message centered on faith in God and divine promises. The host emphasizes the importance of rejoicing in the Lord and highlights Psalm 23, discussing its powerful message about God as our shepherd and provider, who helps us avoid lack and leads us to righteousness. The script also touches on the concept of prophetic words given by God, which have offered guidance and encouragement in recent years. The host encourages viewers to build their faith through scripture, reminding them of God's unchanging nature and his capacity to perform miracles and deliverance. Specific biblical passages such as Psalm 23 and the book of Exodus are referenced to illustrate God's promises and past acts of deliverance. Furthermore, the script discusses political and spiritual shifts, prophetic visions, and the anticipation of unprecedented victories and restoration led by God. The host concludes with a prayer for viewers, offering healing and hope for deliverance from various struggles and urging them to share the message of faith with others.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 11-08-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
The Power of Faith and Prophetic Words | Daily Encouragement
In this live show episode from Friday, November 8th, 2024, the host provides encouragement and spiritual insight by discussing Psalm 23 and emphasizing the importance of faith in God as a provider, healer, and deliverer. The episode features a prophetic word about political and spiritual shifts, breakthroughs, and a divine promise of restoration. The host also addresses health and financial afflictions, offering prayers for healing and liberation. The episode concludes by reminding viewers of God's unwavering support and encourages them to write down and meditate on the provided scriptures.
00:00 Introduction and Opening Remarks
00:54 Encouraging Scriptures and Psalm 23
04:22 Facing Life's Challenges with Faith
08:45 Prophetic Word and Political Shift
10:10 The Great Exodus and God's Promises
18:17 Revelations from the Book of Exodus
31:49 The Power of Words and Faith
37:13 Receiving God's Healing
38:03 Activating Your Faith
38:37 Believing in God's Promises
41:34 Political Shifts and Prophecies
45:54 Spiritual and Physical Restoration
48:46 Global Transformation and Victory
50:31 Building Faith and Trust in God
52:01 God's Assurance and Encouragement
01:02:25 Prayers for Healing and Restoration
01:07:15 Final Words and Encouragement
Video Information:
COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
Today’s Scriptures:
Rom. 10:17
Gal. 6:9
Ps. 34:17, 19
Ps. 47:8
Hag. 2:6-9, 22
Ps. 60:12
2 Kings 7 (entire chapter)
Josh. 1:5-9
Prov. 6:31
Phil. 4:6, 8, 13
Eph. 6:10
Rom. 8:18
Heb. 12:3
John 16:33
John 17:13-17
Micah 7:8
2 Chron. 20 (entire chapter)
Ps. 33:10
Heb. 13:8
God will always give you hope in your final outcome.
Shut off the enemy's report! Listen and believe only God's report.
Don't turn away from the promises of God.
These are the final hours when your enemies are being brought to nothing. Don't give up. Don't turn away from God in these final hours.
God overthrows ungodly nations.
God is the One Who heals, delivers and provides.
God will not abandon or forsake you, but you need to trust, rely and lean on Him.
Keep fighting and standing and you will receive your unprecedented victory.
Meditate on God's Word day and night.
God gives you your joy and peace. He gives you strength to fight this battle.
Fix your mind on the promises of God. Fix your mind on the Blood Covenant you have with Him.
God has conquered all evil for you.
Your enemies will stop at nothing-But God!
Keep praying for the exposure of everything.
Do not lose heart, back down, grow weary or faint. Stay focused on God’s
God is:
Jehovah Nissi – The Lord your Banner of Victory
El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible
Jehovah Rapha – The Lord your Healer
Jehovah Jireh – The Lord your Provider
El Elyon- The Most High God
Good morning, everybody. Today is Friday, November 8th of 2024. I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live show today. And what a good day it is because this is a day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad at it. We have seen so many victories. We are going to continue to see victories.
We are going to continue to see God is still the same God yesterday, today, and forever. We're still going to see that God is our Deliverer, God is the one who saves the nations, and He is the one who will restore everything that has been stolen. So I hope this encourages you each and every day that God has been giving us these prophetic words, He's been giving us these scriptures to hold on to, To say decree and declare the words of God because God is on The move and we're seeing him be on the move.
We're going to continue to see him be on the move now I want to give you some encouraging scriptures today before I get to this prophetic word and It's so this morning Right before I actually got on here. He gave this to me and it's Psalm 23. I want to read all of Psalm 23 because there's only six verses and it's so powerful and I want each and every one of you to pray and get this revelation If you don't have it already that God is our shepherd and the first scripture it talks about The Lord is my shepherd to feed, to guide, and to shield me, I shall not lack.
There is a lot of powerful revelation in just that one scripture alone. He's our shepherd. He feeds, he guides, he leads us, and we shall not lack. Lack get a revelation of how powerful that is because remember he's a shepherd and we are his sheep He is the one who is set here to lead to guide and to protect And so if you look at this to feed to guide to shield or you could say protect And he's the one who says you shall not lack because he is the one who provides for you He's the one who protects you from the enemy He's the one who leads you and guides you in the right direction because the enemies are going to try to confuse you They're going to try to attack you They're going to try to get you off the path that God has for you today And God is saying i'm going to guide you I Am going to lead you in the right path Remember What's he been doing for the last three and four years, especially with these prophetic words, with all this revelation, with all this encouragement, he's getting each and every one of you to see, to declare and decree his word, to stand fast, to trust him, to rely on him, and what he can do.
People have been saying he doesn't do these things anymore, and God is proving to us that he still is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now I want to keep reading. In the second verse it says he makes me lie down in fresh tender green pastures. He leads me besides the still and restful waters. And it says in verse 3 He refreshes and restores my life, myself, he leads me in the path of righteousness, uprightness, and right standing with him, not for my earning it, but for his namesake.
There's so many people that need that time of refreshing. There's so many people that need that rest. There's so many people right now that need peace. Peace. I mean look what's going on right now all over the world. There are so many people that have no peace They have no hope they they live in this darkness and despair because that is what the enemy has deceived them into, has programmed them into, and so we're supposed to be that light in the midst of such darkness.
And so the only way we can be that light in darkness is if we go to him and receive that refreshment, receive that rest, get into his word, know more about him so we can be used by him to a greater degree. And then verse four, it says, yes. Though I walk through the deep sunless valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil.
For you are with me, your rod to protect, your staff to guide, they comfort me. So a lot of people are going through a lot of hard times in their life. It looks like they are walking through that valley of the shadow of death. Everything's going wrong. They have impossible situation after impossible situation.
We're seeing these emails that you guys are writing in. We're seeing what's going on in the chat. We're seeing what you guys are writing to us by mail. We're seeing that darkness. We're seeing that despair. We're seeing those impossible situations. And there are so many times we've had urgent prayer requests.
We stop everything and we pray for people right away. Because there's urgencies, and all the darkness, and what it looks like the enemy is doing. And so God is saying, even though you're walking through that darkness, even though you're walking through an impossible situation, even though it looks like you've got a report of death, but God is saying, even though you may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you shall fear no evil.
If Satan is trying to put a terminal illness on you, you say no, by the power of Almighty God in the It is my choice because God said in his word in Deuteronomy 30 in verse 19 that he has set before me life and death, blessing and cursing. I choose life. That's a part where God is saying we have more power and authority and dominion.
If the enemy is trying to put something on you, I'm going to get to more scriptures today. You have something to say about it. If you have impossible situations, if you have a darkness that seems to overwhelm you and you can't get out of it. I want you to read these scriptures. I want you to get a revelation that Jesus is your shepherd.
That he is the one who's shielding you, he's guiding you, he's leading you, and he says you shall have no lack. He is your protector. He is everything that you need. So if you need rest right now, if you need peace right now, if you need comfort right now, you go to him because Jesus even talks about that in Matthew.
11, 28 through 30, he, he said, come to me all who are heavy laden and overburdened and I will give you rest. And so, yes, I'm quoting certain scriptures. I did not give Carter out this morning because these are the scriptures that there are people out there right now that have to hear these scriptures and God is giving these to you right now to hold onto.
So write down these words. Don't just be a hearer of the doer, a hearer of the word, be a doer of the word. So go write these scriptures down, get into the presence of God and ask him the revelation that he needs you to have for this very day and this very hour. Cause I know a lot of people are facing life and death situations.
They're facing impossible situations, but we have to know, I'm going to get in that scripture here in a little bit. God shows up in impossible situations. All right. Now, Psalm 23 in verse five. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you anoint my head with oil, my brimming cup runneth over.
Verse six, surely or only goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life and through the length of my days, the house of the Lord and his presence shall be my home. dwelling place. So get a revelation of what David was saying here. We're going to go through times where it seems dark.
We're going to go through times where it seems like the valley of shadow of death. We're going to go through times where we're going to need protection. We're going to go through times where we're under attack. We're going to go through times where we're in confusion. We don't know which way to turn.
We're going to go through these things. But if you know, and they get that revelation of how powerful it is, That God does not leave you. He does not forsake you. He is your shepherd. He is there with you Wherever you are. He's not a million miles away He lives on the inside of you. He will not leave you No forsake you and he delivers you and he promises he will deliver you out of it all And so as you've seen what God has done for this nation time and time again I want you to also get a revelation of what God can do for you You Personally, this is a time where God's going to pour out his spirit upon all flesh as it talks about.
I'm going to read it later of Acts 2 and Joel chapter 2. God is going to do these things for us. It's going to be powerful. It's going to be awesome. But we also know the enemy's going to try to come and bring things to us. But God said we should fear no evil. All right. I want to get to this prophetic word today It is it's a word of encouragement.
It's a word it's not just political because there's some times where he gives me ones that are just political There's other times where he gives me ones that have great revelation of what he does what he's doing I mean every single prophetic word he gives is so powerful. It's meaningful.
There's so much revelation in it And God has been doing this to encourage us and give us hope and give us something to hold on to When we've gone through this shaking and so when enemies are attacking we have this firm focus foundation on the father And that's why we were not moved with what we saw with the enemies We're trying to do especially in this unprecedented year Of 2024 and we saw God give us some great victories and he will continue to do so.
I heard this one You Very early this morning, and I'm still praying in to the titles. Sometimes I get the titles right away. Other times I have to pray more into these, these titles. So I don't have one right now. Again, I just got this right before. I was just praying in this morning and I got this not very long before I got on here.
So, I don't have a title yet, but I will make sure that I will get one out there for you. But this, and I don't like to rush them. So if I don't have it right away I just pray into it until I get it because they're God's. And so if they're his words and they're also his title. Okay, so it says in the first paragraph, this is again from this morning, For I the Lord this day am telling you, my children, there has been a political shift.
That is taking place that I told you would take place you will continue to see unprecedented victories from out of the control of the wicked You will see many things forced out of their hands and put back in yours You will see this nation become the nation. It was meant to be without the interference of your enemies.
There's also a politic or a shift spiritually where once you were captive of your enemies with overwhelming fear, anxiety, depression, pain, sickness, and constant affliction, you will see miracle after miracle. You will see breakthrough after breakthrough. My children, this is The Great Exodus where there will be no feeble among those who believe This is also the time where your enemies will gnash their teeth.
They will try attack after attack, but laugh, because it's nothing compared to me. You will see every giant in your land be removed. From it, Like they never existed. Lord, this sounds too good to be true. We don't want to get our hopes up and to be disappointed. My children, get into my word and read the book of Exodus.
Get the revelations I have for you in this time. Build up your faith and trust in me and not in what you see. I have done this before. So why would it be so hard for me to do it again? I Am the same God build up your faith that I Am still a Healer Build up your faith where I Am still the Provider build up your faith where I Am still your Victory Build up your faith where I Am still the Deliverer cast out that doubt with a shout of my written words My children to continue to renew your minds and destroy that fear that has been trying to flood it And overtake it, spend more time with me, for I will give you rest.
When attacks come in your mind, when attacks come with symptoms in your body, when attacks come financially, when attacks come in all different ways, with impossible situations and circumstances in your life, call upon me. And I will answer thee. Trust in me, and not only that I can fix it and I can deliver you, but I will! I long to answer the prayers for my children.
Just, you just have to stand long enough until they're answered for you. These are the days where I will pour out my glory like never before. These are the days where I want you free to freely serve me as I wanted my people in the land of Goshen. This time is so much greater. Because this time it's not my children or this time it is my children all over the world that will receive this restoration, not just one nation and one group of people.
These are the days my children where everywhere will experience my power. But it's not without resistance. Your enemies will try to stop it. They will stop, but you will stop your enemies with my words and with my authority that I have given to you. My children, these are the days you will rise up against your enemies.
You will see their failure of their plans. You will see them fall. You will see them be removed. You will see them that they will have to give back what they have stolen from you!
If you could see what I see, you'd be continuously shouting and continuously praising me for what I did in Egypt. And it's nothing compared to what I'm about to do for you in this time, says the Lord. Get ready for the joy that will be poured out as you will see truth flooding this earth to destroy the liars
that have been holding you back. Children of Almighty God, you will soon see many nations all over the world bowing to this nation. As they know my David is returning to the seat in power, and many know he can bring them down. Some will try to make deals, and others will defy him and you will see them collapse.
Many nations are about to be set free. Many nations are about to change. Many leaders will soon be leaders no more. Canada, hold on, because your victory is coming! Australia, I have a great victory for you! My children all over the world, start to shout your enemies out. Many governments will fall. Many things will change economically and financially.
It's all coming to an explosive place. So stand and receive all that I have for you, says the Lord your Redeemer!
So again, when everybody had their eyes on the election, and the world has been celebrating since that day. But God is saying again and reminding us it wasn't just an election. He wants to do so much more to give us back so much freedom. And it received so many victories and restoration. God has so much in store for each and every one of you.
And He doesn't want you to think it was just an election. He wants you to realize how much bigger He is and how much more plans that He actually has for each and every one of us. This is not the time for darkness to rule. This is not the time for their propaganda machines and all of their deception to overwhelm and to bring people an enslavement that we have been under.
A lot of God's people have been under enslavement. He told me this 15 years ago when he kept talking to me about this greater exodus. He said, my people are in a greater bondage than they were in the book of Exodus. And I couldn't understand it then. I really, truly couldn't. And for those of you who followed me, I, I am the Exodus preacher.
I talk about Exodus on a continual basis. Because there's so much revelation in that book of Exodus Compared to the parallels of what we're going through right now And as he said to me that in 15 years ago When he was giving that revelation right before I got was preaching at my dad's church and one of the things he told me He said Julie, this is a greater time for an Exodus and I said why he said because once was will be again But to a greater degree, then he said, my people were in a greater bondage because this time they didn't even know they were in a bondage.
And so they weren't fighting for their freedoms. They weren't fighting for their liberty. They weren't fighting for the things that I had already given to them because they thought this was just what life was. And so his people in the land of Egypt, because some of them were growing up, they didn't know a life without being a slave.
They didn't know what life was like when they were in the land of Canaan before they were in the land of Egypt. In the time of joseph when they all came over there and so they didn't know that there was a promised land They didn't know all these things until they were it was prophesied to them And they had to get that revelation that they were not going to stay where they were Some people believed it some people didn't but in that time in the book of exodus There were so many revelations that God had given and I want to start there really quick because When he was talking to moses You And of course, you know, he told Moses that he was in a, he heard the cries of his people in, in Exodus chapter 3 verse 7, I'm not gonna read that to you, I'm just quoting it.
And he said, I've heard the cries of my people. I've seen their taskmasters. I'm going to come down to deliver them. But Exodus chapter 3 and verse 19, I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless forced to do so. No, not by a mighty hand. He's been telling us and giving us this scripture over and over in the last, like, three or four years, and the reason for that is Because he knew these people that are against us.
He calls them pharaohs of today. They would not let us go unless they were forced to do so. And so he was saying that back to me 15 years ago. And now I see how it's playing out today and how real that is today. And what a great revelation that is because people just think that these are great stories in the Bible, but they don't realize how they relate to our life and the situations that we have.
On this earth right now. And so in verse 20, So I will stretch out my hand and smite Egypt with all my runners, which I will do, and after that he will let you go. So God says in verse 19, Your enemies are not going to let you go unless forced to do so. Then he says, I will stretch out my hand. And remember, his hand represents Judgment on one side and blessing on another.
So you saw God's hand, a move against Pharaoh and his Egyptian army and the Egyptians, and you saw judgment, you saw those plagues hit them. And then you saw God's restoration, deliverance, freedom, soundness, wholeness, everything that was stolen from God's people, you saw with a swift hand of God's move of his hand, You saw judgment on one side and blessing on another and he's saying to us now You're going to see judgment on one side and blessing on another I just was giving all this pile all this information out in this last like 24 to 48 hours Remember, and I know some of you've been following me for a long time Guys been talking about the enemies were going to turn on each other I'm going to give a whole bunch of information out to my team to get out of prophetic.
Stuff You prophetic video in the next week or two about them turning on each other. They're, they're literally blame game after blame game. They're, they're turning on this person. They're, they're doing this live on the news. They're doing this. It's amazing to me to see What is going on right now? I also saw something happen with Nancy Pelosi and then somebody else, and they were in a big, huge argument during thatbefore, right before, I think, Kamala got on for her concession speech.
Whenher speech, so she was conceding. The the election. And so, you're seeing them, on camera, turning on one another. God said they were going to do this before their ultimate fall. He said he was going to confuse the enemy's camps. He said we were going to see a great, mighty victory with President Trump coming back into the White House.
We're seeing all these things. Play out that God's already talked about. So another part of this is so important when he said in his word There was no feeble among them and there was a great restoration And so in exodus chapter 3 in verse 22 But every woman shall insistently solicit of her neighbor and of her that may be residing at her house Jewels and articles of silver and gold garments, which you shall put on your sons and daughters And you shall strip the egyptians of the longings due to you.
There was a wealth transfer Now there's a lot of people in the body of christ. I'm sure i'm gonna get a lot of of hate for this But that's okay because i'm gonna give you the truth. I'm gonna give you what God is saying So when God is saying about the great exodus, there's also A transfer of wealth there's something happened You Pay attention to gold, pay attention to silver.
God said he's bringing us back to a gold standard. There is gonna hap something happen with the silver is gonna start soaring. There's gonna start happening with something with the taxes. There's gonna start happening financially that God is gonna give you back restoration of what the enemy stole from you.
They've been using our taxpayer money. They've been stealing from us because it wasn't constitutional. The laws they put in with taxation. And they've been giving that money over to the enemies. They've been causing, they've been committing crimes with that money. And God is saying, look, when a thief has been caught, He says this in Proverbs 6, 31.
When a thief has been caught, he's got to give it back sevenfold. In some translations it says seven times. But in, I think it's in the Hebrew and Greek it says sevenfold. Sevenfold is greater than seven times. Get a great revelation of that. Go study it, but God wants you to be set free in your spirit, set free in your soul, set free in your mind.
He wants you set free financially. He wants you to set free in every way that you've been held a captive. Think about this. Get this revelation. There are people in the body of Christ that will not talk about freedom in your mind, freedom in your body, freedom in your finances. They will not talk about these things because of man made doctrines and religious traditions that shun that.
Remember when Jesus was out healing? They thought it was witchcraft, they thought it was evil, because one, they couldn't understand it. But it was, it was Jesus, the Son of God, He was performing miracles, signs, and wonders in a religious tradition. In a religious mindset, people could not receive those miracles, signs, and wonders.
People, still to this day, are not going to receive the miracles, signs, and wonders that God is doing. People were even thinking this was going to be a doom and gloom. We were going to go into the book of Revelation. We were going to go into the one world government, because Kamal was going to win. The election all these kind of things and that did not happen because God is saying this is a time Especially this next four years.
I don't know what's going to happen after these next four years But these next four years, especially this is a time of restoration. This is a time of victory This is a time where God is giving us a a rest But he's giving us something he's bringing us back something that has been promised to us And that's all these things have been stolen.
He is going to give it back to us now. I want you. To turn to Exodus 8 and verse 1 and something about this greater exodus that God's talking about. And he's going to use President Trump also to do this. He's also using each and every one of us. That's why we're supposed to declare and decree his words.
That's why we're supposed to stand. Because we're all supposed to be expecting and getting a greater revelation of God and what God can do and not just sit back and idly by and go, Okay, God, everything's just gonna be handed to us on a silver platter. No, we are supposed to It was like that word he was giving us yesterday.
Continue on. Move forward. Keep your guard up. Keep standing. Keep pressing forward. Don't stay back. It's take back territory. And one of the things in Exodus chapter 8 and verse 1, this is that revelation that a lot of people don't have. Of the book of Revelation. Again, if you guys have been following me for a long time, you guys have heard me say this.
But the Lord said to Moses, go to Pharaoh. And he said to him, thus says the Lord, let my people go that they may serve me. A lot of people only go to, let my people go. And God kept sending me back to these scriptures. He said, Julie, everybody's quoting me and saying, let my people go. And yes, that was true.
He said, but there's a greater revelation in those scriptures. Go and read them. So I kept reading them. He said, see that second part. So they can freely serve me. That's what's on my heart. Not only for the enemies to let you go. But to let you go so you're free That way you're not sick all the time.
You're not in fear all the time You're not in pain all the time then you're on financial a paycheck by paycheck living and you can't you can't pay for groceries You can't pay for gas. That's not where God wants you That's why he's considered jehovah jireh our provider and if you look at philippians 419 He said I will liberally supply fill the overflowing You're every need a coined or your riches and glory are my riches are going by and through Christ Jesus So if we are studying the book of all the books of the Bible, we're studying how Jesus Performed miracles.
Look what Jesus did he provided Water into wine, loaves and fishes, multiplying a little boy's lunch into feeding multitudes. And he did it more than once. He did it twice. And so if you think about all the things and all the ways that God supplied and he multiplied his people, he always provided. But people have gotten such a mindset that we have to have the slave labor, that we have to pay all these taxes, we have to do all these things, and then where's God in it?
God is saying, I'm the one. Look to me. God is our provider. Yes, we're still supposed to work, but we're supposed to give it to God. We're supposed to trust in God. We're not supposed to live under this, what he calls it, a Babylonian system, which it, that means a system without God. It's a Godless system.
That's why God said we're gonna see something happen in the markets. But it's going to be a good thing because he's tearing apart their global system right now, and he's bringing in his. So we're gonna see a lot of things shift financially. And then in Exodus chapter 9, he's saying it again. Exodus chapter 9 and verse 1, Then the Lord said to Moses, go to Pharaoh and tell him, thus says the Lord God of the Hebrews, Let my people go that they may serve me.
Look, get the revelation of what God did. He, get the revelation of no feeble. They were, had a slave mentality. They were battered. They were bruised because they were whipped. They were scourged. They were ran into the mud. They were, they worked every day. They had countless hours. They weren't getting a break.
A lot of them were dying because of all this. They were broken in every way. They had no money because Pharaoh taxed them into a slavery. There's so much revelation in the book of Exodus. And so, I want you to also, and then of course, there's a great revelation of how God distinguished his people from the Egyptians, what she's gonna do again.
And if you look at Exodus 10, in verse 3, And then Moses said to Aaron, and he went to Pharaoh and said to him, Thus says the Lord God of the Hebrews, How long will it be refused to humble yourself before me? Let my people go that they may serve me. God had to say it multiple times through Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh because he refused to let him go.
But God's people have to have this revelation that they may freely. God, it's on the heart of God that you are completely free. That's why it says in Psalm 23, in verse 1, that you shall not lack. That's so important for God. But again, there's a religious tradition that will tell you you have to be poor.
No, Jesus was poor so he became rich. He was not talking about financially. He was talking about spiritually. He was he was taking the curse on his body To destroy it for you, but people took it one way The vow of poverty that's not what God is meaning Jesus took that poverty on his body On that cross to destroy that power.
God doesn't want the evil ones to have the finances He doesn't want the evil ones to have the control of governments control of nations He wants the body of christ to have that control because he wants light in this world He wants people free in this world. He doesn't want them under a darkness and evil and a slavery But again, religious tradition, man made doctrines have changed the mindsets of so many Christians.
And that's why God is getting our attention and he's showing us these sayings so we can change our mind. That's why we have to renew our minds with the word of God. I want you to see something here because a lot of people that write in, we have, seriously, we read these things. We have so many people that have their cancer, diabetes, strokes, heart attacks, all these different things.
Suicide. Everything that the enemy is trying to do against them. And God is saying for us, we've seen this great revelation of how powerful speaking the word of God is in your situation. I want you to turn to Mark chapter 5. This is so important. This is, I mean, when I watched The Chosen, they did such an amazing job with this story.
The woman with the issue of blood. Because a lot of people think that they have to have Me, it's great to have your hands laid on you. I'm not, I'm not, I do it all the time. And I love to pray for people. But you can receive a miracle where you are by speaking the Word of God, taking it and receiving what He's done for you, and you can receive your miracle.
You can receive that restoration. You can receive that healing. Power of your words. Life and death are the power of the tongue. By your words, you're justified. By your words, you're condemned. And even it says in God's Word in Proverbs, I think it's 4, 20 through 23. It talks about God's Word is health and healing to your flesh.
God wants you whole. There are people that say that God is not a healer anymore. He doesn't do these things anymore. That's not what God's Word says at all. That's a lie. God is Jehovah Rapha. He's healer. He heals people today. But how we can agree with God and receive that miracle that you need in your life today Whether it's a miracle in your family, miracle in your body, freedom from pain, freedom from cancer, freedom from something going on with tumors, whatever it is, God is saying you can be free by speaking my words.
There's been people who've been praying for Alzheimer's and dementia, who've been praying for people, all these different things that are going on that are trying to keep God's people in a captivity. Speak words of life and freedom. In Mark chapter 5, in verse 25, Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years.
In verse 26, And who had endured much suffering under the hands of many physicians, And had spent all that she had, and was no better, and said she grew worse. Look at the life today, right now, people are living. I know for me, I struggled with something for thirty years. For thirty years. It was never ending.
Instead, I went to doctor, doctor, the doctor, the doctor, and I just kept getting worse and they weren't giving me an explanations and they weren't helping me. But you just still have hope that one doctor is going to help you or another doctor is going to help you or another doctor is going to help you.
But there are certain doctors that help with certain things. They, they were such a blessing to me. But this is the situation with the woman with the issue of blood is so true with what's happening today. And if we have this revelation of what this woman endured, but what she did to change her circumstances, how powerful this revelation is.
Now look at verse 27. She heard the reports concerning Jesus and she came up behind him and throng and she touched his garment. Now look at verse 28. This is the key now. This is out of the Classic Amplified Version. This is why it's so important to read out of this version. For she kept saying Oh, now I want to stop right there.
She kept saying, if I should just touch the hem of his garment, I shall be made whole. She kept saying this. So she heard the revelation of Jesus. She heard about his miracle signs and wonders. She heard that he was a miracle worker, and she said, I need him to lay hands on me because she knew she was unclean.
And so she didn't want him to be unclean as to Jewish tradition. She didn't want it to be unclean, so she just wanted to touch the hem of his garment, and she said, I could just touch the hem of his garment, ice jabbing my hole. She kept saying that. What do people keep saying today? They keep talking about their sickness, they keep talking about their problems in their finance, they keep talking about their problems in their bodies, they keep talking about their problems in their mind, they keep talking about their problems with their families, they keep talking about their problems with their jobs, they keep saying.
And so if you keep saying everything that's going wrong, That mountain will keep growing. But if you keep saying the words that God needs you to say. That by Jesus stripes I'm healed, I'm redeemed from the curse. You keep speaking all these words. The life and death are the power of the tongue. I thank you, Father God, no matter what the doctor says, I will live and not die.
I can't tell you how many times in my life I've seen that happen to me. My family members, friends and other people that could literally had death in their life, spoke life into it. And their circumstances change and are still alive today We have power to speak the word of God verse 28 for she kept saying if I only touch the hem of his garment I shall be restored to health.
It was her faith now jump down To verse because she touched the hem of his garment for the sake of time jump down to verse 34 And he said to her daughter your faith your trust and confidence in me Springing from your faith in God has restored you to health, go into peace, continually healed, and freedom in your distressing bodily disease.
Why did she heal? It was healed. It wasn't because Jesus laid hands on her. It's because she trusted, she had faith in God that if she should touch the head of his garment, she shall be made whole. And so we can't touch physically the head of his garment, but we can take and receive what God has done.
Father God, I thank you for what Jesus has done for us. I thank you. I take. The shedding of Jesus's blood. He was, he was sick. He laid upon his, a curse upon his body so I would not have to endure it. I thank you by Jesus stripes I Am healed. I thank you that Jesus destroyed the curse. It says in your word in Colossians 2 15 that he disarmed the principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world.
You said in your word, Father God, in 14, He disarmed him. He brought him to nothing. So I thank you. This this doctor report is nothing compared to you. I thank you, Father God. I will live and not die. I will not die. I will live in Jesus name. And keep saying it. We say, because we've had people write in, we've had our hands laid on us.
You know, we just have gotten worse. If you had the hands all night on you, The power of God is still working on you. Now you have to activate your faith and start speaking the word of God and saying, I am healed. I am healed. I don't care about what I feel. I don't care about what I'm telling you. Symptoms will shout at you and scream at you.
You're not. I know that. I've had it for 30 years. Where, you know, you, you've had handling on you, you've had people pray for you, and it just seems like you just get worse. And God is saying, what report do you believe? Do you believe that your body is broken because of symptoms you have in your body? He asked me this one day just recently.
Do you believe that you're broken because that's what your body's telling you? Or do you believe that I have made you whole? So in times of stress, in times where you're frustrated, in times where you're overwhelmed, I'm telling you, you sit and you listen for God. He will give you an answer. He had to change my perspective of how I saw my body.
I saw my body broken. I saw my body sick. I saw my body weak. I saw my body just under constant distress all the time. But God said, no. I see your body whole. Now you see it that way because he's already promises that and so if you're struggling because I, I, there's been so many people, that's why I'm so excited what what President Trump is gonna be doing with RFK Junior, how he's going to go through the FDA and all big pharma, I mean, they are going to destroy what has been done to our bodies.
This is the time again, what God is going to do is to restore us, but we have to trust and believe in God and what God has already done. Start speaking words of life. There's so many scriptures. I want to get to today. And I i'm gonna go back over this prophetic word and I probably will go over some more of these scriptures here but You guys know that i've told you before and you know my son behind this camera words changed his life Words changed my life.
There are family members in my family that should have been dead and they're not because of words. And so if we speak the right words, if we would speak words of restoration, words of health, words of healing, that's what God says in so many times where I've laid hands on people in in prayer lines.
And they say, I have this. God said, stop taking ownership of that. So if you've been diagnosed with cancer, you've been diagnosed with diabetes, you've been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, you've been diagnosed with any, any disease, don't take the ownership of that. That might be a fact. That may be what your symptoms are telling you.
I mean what the doctors are telling you, but what is God telling you? What God tells you trumps everything what the enemies tells you. You speak the words. That God speaks into your life. God wants you to start trusting in Him. Because in Luke 1. 37, you're in an impossible situation right now. Luke 1. 37 says He's a God who nothing is impossible.
Get that revelation of how you may be in situations and circumstances that are so impossible, God's saying, I show up in the impossible. And I will turn the impossible might be impossible for you and I but it's not impossible for God I'm gonna go back over this first paragraph for I the Lord this day I'm telling you my children there has been a political shift that is taking place I I told you would take place guys been telling us about this political shift for at least three and a half years He said a political shift was coming and political shift is coming political shift is coming and multiple different prophetic words You can go on our website and find it and figure it out and find it out.
He's been saying it Over and over and over. A political shift. Winds of change. He's been talking about how there's a storm that was brewing politically. He's been saying that everything is gonna turn from upside down to right side up. We started seeing a political shift Tuesday night into Wednesday morning.
We've already seen victories. What did God say about the indictments? That's another prophecy fulfilled video. We're gonna start putting out. What did God say about the indictments? That they were going to implode. That they were gonna come to nothing. Remember, I remember when the Lord gave me that prophetic word about the 34 felony counts and God said there would be no guilty verdict and then of course that later on the day He also said later on that prophecy do not fear what you're about to hear Because what we were about to hear later on that day was it was guilty.
No, no, no, no. In the sight of God, it was no guilty. In sight of God, it was a non guilty verdict. And so what we're going to start seeing is all these things start to implode just like he said it was going to, and that's also part of this political shift. We're going to start seeing a lot of victories. Now, I also want to warn you, because how they're talking about it, you know, Kamala's saying it, and Biden's saying it, and certain people are saying it, Accept the results and we all got to unite.
You know, this is a calm before the storm, you know They're not just gonna stay back and be like, oh, yeah, we're we're just gonna accept this You know It's not happening if they can't attack him because they seen how everyone was turning against them because they were attacking him and attacking us Remember what he said?
They're gonna start using They're foreign allies to attack us. How they're gonna do it, I don't know. But that's why God says we're supposed to have our guard up. They want you to look like everything is just hunky dory, peaches and cream, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine. And then they're gonna hit you out of left field and you're gonna be like, where did this come from?
That's why God's been preparing us, but he also said, look, you're in this world but you're not of it. So don't get frustrated when you start seeing these things. Because no matter what God's gonna keep saving this nation. He's gonna keep saving his children. He's gonna keep delivering us He's gonna keep delivering us and giving us victories.
He says you will continue to see Unprecedented, he keeps using that word, unprecedented victories from out of the control of the wicked So we're gonna start keep seeing We've been under such a demonic control of the wicked in this nation and all over the world and God's saying you're gonna keep seeing Unprecedented victories and chains are gonna keep coming off That's why I love like when Robin Bullock was one of those songs that shake your shackles, shake those shackles off.
I love that. I would play it sometimes when I was under great adversity, persecution. I would take that song and just, just get in and start praying and worrying in the spirit. I would just start shaking, like literally just shaking those shackles off. Because the enemy keeps trying to put chains on you, and you just keep shaking them off.
Because God is saying we're gonna keep seeing this victory. He says, you will see many things forced out of their hands and put back in yours. You will see this nation become the nation it was meant to be without the interference of the enemy. So we've seen the interference of the enemies almost since the beginning of this nation's birth, of this nation.
We've seen, we've had a great interference because we've had people embedded trying to destroy it. For this very day. And so God's saying you're gonna see it without interference. Once we get through this shaking and once we get through these certain things, God's saying we're gonna start seeing it in such a glorious way.
Unprecedented victory. I like that sound of that. He says also a shift spiritually. So you even saw it in the book of Exodus. You saw a political shift because Pharaoh became nothing. And then you saw his people completely set free. They got everything back. Again, get that revelation in the book of Exodus, what all was restored to them.
Where you were captives of your enemies, how were we captives of our enemies? We were captives spiritually to our enemy. Look at all the deception, look at all the lies, look at all the sickness, look at all the disease, look at all the pain, look at all the affliction. The enemies continuously bombard us.
Look what they've done with our air, look what they've done with our food, look what they've done with vaccines, look what they have done with our children, their mindsets, with the schools, and, and, and then changing people, and the, and what they believe, and, and making so many people weak. Look at what they've done.
He says, you will see miracle after miracle, you will see breakthrough after breakthrough. My children, this is the great exodus where there will be no fable among those who believe.
Remember, not everybody got to go to the promised land because they didn't believe. That's why we have to have that firm, focused foundation on Him. That's why we have to have our hearts set on Him because those who believe and trust in God will receive it. If you believe, you will receive. Next paragraph.
This is also the time where your enemies will gnash their teeth. They will try to attack after attack, but laugh because it's nothing compared to me. You will see every giant in your land be removed from it. Like they never existed. Get the revelation of what he did with Pharaoh and then also the revelation of what he did with getting rid of all the Giants that were in the land of Canaan or their promised land because there were Giants in the land.
Remember that's the reason why they didn't go in the promised land for 40 years because they saw that there were Giants in there and they wouldn't, they wouldn't touch it. There's a lot of people that are afraid of the Giants in this land or the Giants in your own land. But God's saying don't be afraid of them.
You take back the territory, you take it back with words, you keep fighting that good fight of faith, and you keep calling down their walls, calling down their crimes, calling down their corruption, calling down those governments, and keep seeing what God's doing. I just saw something happen last night. Now, remember that prophetic word that God gave, I think it was yesterday or the day before that, where God says that governments were gonna collapse?
The German government, apparently, is collapsing. Now, I don't know what happened, I only saw a headline, I don't know what happened, But something's happening in Germany. So pay attention. Things are happening around Governments around the world. Well, and then so God's saying that he's gonna get rid of all these giants He's gonna there's a political shift, a spiritual shift, and there's gonna be a lot of healing soundness, holiness, and restoration And then people right here are saying Lord, this sounds too good to be true We don't want to get our hopes up and be disappointed.
He said, but my children, get into my word. Read the book of Exodus, get the revelation I have for you in this time, build up your faith and trust in me and not in what you see. So what you and I are supposed to do right now is to build up our faith and trust in God. We're going to see more stuff. Right now this is like the calm before the storm.
And this is a time where God's giving us rest, we're having celebration, celebration. And we're just getting excited and he's giving us that excitement and he's giving us that and strengthening us. So then when all this other stuff happens, we're like, yeah, this is a, this is a walk in the park for God.
We're not gonna be moved by it. I have done this before so why would it be so hard for me to do it again? God has done this before. He's the same God yesterday, today, and forever. So if he saved his people from the, from Egypt, he saved them from Pharaoh, he saved them from all that, that depression and slavery and how they had lack of everything and in any way they looked in their life.
They were, they were poor, physically, spiritually, financially, everything. And look what God did. I'm the same God. Build up your faith that I Am still a healer. Build up your faith where I'm still your provider. Build up your faith where I Am still your victory. Build up your faith where I Am still the deliverer.
So he's telling you whatever you need. If you need healing, if you need peace, if you need victory, if you, no matter what you need, you build your faith up in that. Go get those healing scriptures if you need healing. There, I know there's online you can find, I think it was Keith Moore did 101 healing scriptures.
You can find that online. Build your faith up. Read all those 101 healing scriptures. Get those down in your heart. You start proclaiming them and decreeing them. There are people that had cancer that has no cancer anymore. There was people that had tumors have no tumors anymore. There was people that were having all these type of life and death situations and they don't have them anymore.
Why? Because they chose to believe the words of God and not their situations and circumstances. So build up your faith. Build up your trust in him. Get a revelation of he's Jehovah Jireh. Get a revelation. He's your healer. Get a revelation. He's your victory. Get a revelation. He's a God of nothing is impossible.
He's Al Shaddai. Look what he did for Gaweed when he revealed himself as Al Shaddai that was in Genesis 17 that was with Abraham and when he didn't speak to him for 13 years and Because he had Ishmael and then right when he talked to him again. He came to him as Al Shaddai the God of nothing is impossible.
He was he was rebuking him. He was correcting him. He was saying hey I'm You do this on your own. I thank God who doesn't think it's possible. It might be impossible for you, but it's not impossible for me. It was a correction. And so we need to get that revelation of who he is. Start getting a revelation of the names of God.
I've talked about this before there's books out there about the names of God Get a revelation of who he is and not just people's word for it You get these books you get this revelation you look online get this revelation for yourself and go to God with it He says cast out that doubt with a shout of my written words My children continue to renew your minds and destroy that fear that has been trying to flood and overtake it Spend more time with me where I will give you rest.
That's what we're talking about in the book of acts
acts chapter 3 verse 19 So repent change your mind purpose and turn around return to God That your sins may be erased, blotted out, wiped clean, that the times of refreshing, recovering from the effects of the heat, reviving with fresh air, may come from the presence of the Lord. As soon as he was giving that prophetic word this morning, that scripture just jumped up in my spirit.
I immediately wrote it down because this is what he's talking about. He needs, if we need rest, we need a time of refreshing from the effects of all these tests and trials and circumstances. God's saying come and spend time with me. Put praise and worship music on. I'm telling you that that makes a massive difference.
There's times where I've been under so much attack. I had no joy. I had no peace. I had to turn on praise and worship music and I had to start singing it and just and just really getting into that entering his course with thanksgiving and praise and then it just started going off just started coming off I'm telling you praise and worship means a lot to receive that peace from God and that rest from him He says, when attacks come in your mind when tax come on your symptoms in your body When attacks come financially when attacks come in all different ways with impossible situations and circumstances in your life call upon me And I will answer thee he says in his word.
Knock And the door will be open. Ask, and it'll be given unto you. Seek, and you shall find. And so, if you think about all the ways that God says, if you are seeking me, if you are calling upon me, I'm gonna answer you. As long as we're seeking out his word, and seeking out what his word says, the truth of his word, not man made doctrines and religious tradition, we have to really get the revelation of what God's actually saying.
That's why when I'm giving you prophetic words, I'm giving you a revelation that God's giving to me, I'm gonna give you scriptures that's gonna back it up. That's why it's so important for you to write these scriptures down and then go study them. Trust in me and not only that I can fix it and I can deliver you, but I will.
There's a great revelation of a lot of God knowing that God can do certain things, but they don't have a revelation if, if God will. Destroy that doubt. Go read all the scriptures where God says, I will. A great chapter to start with is Exodus chapter 6. Seven times and a few scriptures God says I will get that revelation.
It's a powerful one I and he says I long to answer prayers for my children. He does he wants hope for our final outcome He wants to answer our prayers. That's why he says if we go and in his name If you ask anything in his name, he will give it to you. Go read the book of John. I think it's John 14.
Great revelation in that, those chapters where Jesus was speaking. He says you don't just have to stand you just have to stand long enough until they're answered for you. A lot of people give up on their answered prayers, give up on their breakthroughs right before it happens because you're under the most amount of pressure to give up right before God moves.
Because satan's trying to stop that breakthrough. So if you're under a great amount of pressure You just know you hold on because your breakthrough is at hand These are the days where I will pour out my glory like never before This is the days I want you free to freely serve me And he was giving me he's like go back and get those revelation of that prophetic word Uh and and and get those revelations in that scripture write them down And so when he started saying that again it up in my spirit when he says I want you free to freely serve me You He came up and gave me those scriptures again, and Exodus 8 1, Exodus 9, 1, and Exodus 10, 3.
He goes, go back, write those down. So I did. And all the ways when he was giving me these, and he does this a lot, when he's giving his prophetic words, I will, it's like he'll jump and magnify the scriptures. I write those scriptures down, and again, because it goes and it goes along with these prophetic words.
It's so awesome to hear God's word and then get the revelation from it with these prophetic words and then see it in his written word. I wanted my people in the land of Goshen. So as I wanted my people in the land of Goshen. This is a time where it's much greater. Because this is a time my children all over the world that will receive my restoration.
Not just in one nation, in one group of people. That's why he said this is a greater exodus. Because before it was just in the people in the land of Goshen. It was just the Israelites. But now he's saying it's just not one people. It's just not the United States of America. Don't just expect to see revelation and restoration and freedom in your government and freedom politically and freedom spiritually and United States of America.
He wants his people free in all, at all nations. All nations. He cares about each and every one of you no matter where you live. You are a child of God. And just because you don't live here in this country, it's not just for this country. It's for all nations. He says my children, these are the days you will rise up against your enemies.
You will see their failure of their plans. You will see them fall. You will see them be removed. You will see that they will have to give you back what they have stolen from you. If you could see what I see, You'd be continuously shouting and continuously praising me for what I did in Egypt is nothing compared to what I'm about to do for you in this time, says the Lord.
So he said, if you can see what I see, you'd be rejoicing. Say, God, I can't see what you see. He will give you that. He's been telling me just like he's been telling you. Ask him, God, I thank you that I see the circumstances and the situation through your eyes and not my own. I thank you, Father God, I see the situation through your power, through your revelation, and through what Jesus has already done for me.
I want to praise you and I want to thank you, Father God, that I have the victory. I may not be able to see it, but I'm not going to be moved by what I see. I'm only moved by the Word of God. You see the difference? The attitude. You see the difference? God can change your perspective. Get ready for the joy that will be poured out as you will see the truth flooding this earth to destroy the liars that have been holding you back.
Deception, disinformation has been holding so many people back. You can see it. It's really sad. You know, people make a lot of, you know, jokes about it, but you see how the left and how so many people on TikTok and in all these different social media platforms and people are losing their mind. We need to pray for them.
We need to pray for these people. It's so sad how they're so distraught and they're living in such a darkness and a hopelessness is because they believe so they believe so much they're under deception. They have blinders over their eyes and we're supposed to be such a light to those people to get them out of that darkness.
That's why God needs us free so we can use Be used by him to help free others children of almighty God You will soon see many nations all around the world bowing to this nation You'll see it as they know my david is returning to the seat of power and many he can Knowing that he can bring them down why because they know God is with him now It's not, it's undeniable.
God saved his life, and God gave him back the seat of the presidency. It was so historic, it was so biblical, it was so unprecedented. People are saying it was the greatest political comeback in human history. So they know it's God. Some people know it's God. Some will try and make deals and many will defy Him.
Why? Because they're going to defy God, just like Pharaoh did. And you will see them collapse. Many nations are about to be set free. Many nations are about to change. Many leaders will soon be be leaders no more. Watch. Again, it's not just about America. God's getting and removing Kamala and the Biden.
He's been talking about this for a long time. Obviously, t
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