Channel Umptee 3 1997 October season premiere Kids WB Commercial Promo Ad [Remastered]

3 months ago

Channel Umptee 3 1997 October season premiere Kids WB Commercial Promo Ad [Remastered]

Heres another Remastered Version of another Nostalgia Kids WB Commercial Ad for the Short Lived 90's Animated Series "Channel Umptee 3" That I remastered,which this is a commercial ad for it's October World Series premiere during Kids Wb's 1997 Season Fall Lineup which this show premiered on the same week as both "Men in Black: The Animated Series" and the other short lived 90's Kids WB Animated series "The Legend of Calamity Jane"

Also,during this time,Kids WB Was airing new Season premiere episodes of the 90's Animaniacs,Batman: The Animated Series and new Episodes of Superman The Animated Series,and not to mention,Tiny Toon Adventures moved from "Fox Kids" to "Kids WB" for a short period of time,which they were also airing reruns of "Captain Planet and the Planeteers" During this Season Lineup.

Yes Sir,I remember this 1997 Lineup Very Well:P

The New Batman and Superman Adventures
Pinky and The Brain
Channel Umptee 3
The Legend of Calamity Jane
Men in Black: THe Animated Series
Tiny Toon Adventures
The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries

Yep! total Nostalgia Factor right here!:P

and keep in mind,this was WAY before Pokemon Gen 1 was even a thing,which the Ash Ketchum Era Pokemon Anime Didn't come to "KIds WB" untile 2 years later in the 1999 Season Lineup!

And heck,the Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime didn't start airing on "Kids WB" untile a Decade later in 2001 during Kids WB's 2000's Seasonal Lineups.

and yeah.......and than came that Awful English Dub of Cardcaptors/Cardcaptor Sakura,...........and we all know how that Dub turned out Right?????

Great Awsome Old School 90's Mahou Shoujo/Magical Girl Gem,still holds up well today:P.............But Goooooood LOrd............That English Dub though.........That English Dub on the other hand was straight up AWFUL.......and did not do that franchise proper justice,it's on the same level of 4kids's awful English Dub of TOkyo Mew Mew (Which they renamed it to Mew Mew Power) and those awful English Dubs of Smile and DOki Doki Pretty Cure with that "Glitter Force"

Special Thanks and credit goes to GreenShieldy for uploading the original version of the "Channel Umptee 3" Commercial ad

and special Thanks goes to Szinkron Systems for uploading all 13 Episodes of the Higher Quality Hungarian dub Rips on Internet archive!

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