always benchpress as it just might save your life or take it

1 month ago

it took me 13 years of 3 set of 10 of benchpressing to get fit as fuck and fairly stong but then i hit a Plateau in my strength and didn't really get any stronger . 7 years ago i decided i must get stronger because of a tragic event in my life and wanted to lift heavy as possible so i started practicing 1 rep bests ; preforming 1 repetition of it and to my astonishment my benchpress max weight went up dramatically . I remember the day i hit 100kg it was almost impossible and then i kept going to all the way up to 140kg, i couldn't believe it! I finally hit three plates. the cool thing now is that I can rep out 10 reps at 100kg. so if you hit a Plateau, try this but be careful. let's go !

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