İmmensely Disturbing Mysteries Clarifying Foundings that are Horrifying

1 month ago

👇🏼👇🏼Read Below about the footage as well as explantion of the thumbnail photograph
48 saatten beri Seydnaya’da gizli yeraltı zindanlarının giriş kapısı arama kurtarma ekipleri tarafından aranıyordu. Bu dakikalarda giriş kapısının bulunduğu bildiriliyor.

For 48 hours, search and rescue teams have been searching for the entrance to the secret underground dungeons in Seydnaya. It is reported that the entrance has been found at this moment.
Suriyeli aktivist Mazen Hammade

Rejimin işkencelerine yıllarca maruz kaldı, af sonrası Hollanda’ya iltica etti ve dünya basınına rejimin zulmünü anlattı. Rejim, ailesini tehdit ederek onu 2020’de Suriye’ye dönmeye zorladı. O günden sonra haber alınamadı. Bugün naaşı rejim Seydnaya’da bulundu.

Syrian activist Mazen Hammade

He endured years of torture under the regime, sought asylum in the Netherlands after an amnesty, and exposed the regime’s atrocities to the global media. The regime threatened his family, forcing him to return to Syria in 2020. He was never heard from again. Today, his body was found in the regime’s Seydnaya prison.
Evening/night local time
Monday 9•12•2024

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