[EP 520] The Faith of Abraham | 12/10/2024

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A daily bible study to draw us closer in our relationship with GOD through our Savior Jesus Christ in prayer and reading the word of GOD.
365 Devotions on the Power of Prayer:
16) do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers
16) I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.
Life Lessons from ROMANS EP #520
Lesson #4 - The Faith of Abraham
Romans 4:13-25
Further Reading:
To Complete Romans during this twelve-part study, read Romans 4:1 to 5-21.
More Bible passages on faith, read Genesis 15:6; 2 Chronicles 20:20; Isaiah 7:9; Habakkuk 2:4; Matthew 9:29; 21:22; Acts 15:9; and Hebrews 11:6.
Key Scripture: Exodus 17:15-16
Understanding the Name:
Unlike fabric flags, ancient banners were usually made out of wood or metal and shaped into various figures or emblems that could be fastened to a bare staff or a long pole. Depicting birds, animals, or gods, they often glistened brightly in the sun so that they could be seen from far off. A banner carried at the head of an army or planted on a high hill served as a rallying point for troops before battle or as an announcement of a victory already won.

Because banners embodied the ideals and aspirations of whoever carried them, they aroused devotion to a nation, a cause, or a leader. When Moses held up the staff of God in the battle with the Amale kites, he was holding it like a banner, appealing to God’s power. By building an alter and naming it Yahweh Nissi (yah-WEH nis-SEE), “The Lord is my Banner, “ he created a memorial of God’s protection and power during the Israelites’ first battle after leaving Egypt.

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