Joe Rogan Special Forces Interview Part 2.)

3 months ago


20 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝘼𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙖 𝘿𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝙉𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙄𝙨𝙧𝙖𝙚𝙡

1. Their alliance has been one sided, with U.S. being exploited and used for their benefits.

2. It has led to an imbalance of power in the Middle East region, which has hurt U.S. interests.

3. The alliance has been politically and strategically destabilizing and costly for U.S.

4. Israel has regularly disrespected and undermined America's interests and goals.

5. There is no mutual respect or appreciation between the countries.

6. The alliance has been increasingly unpopular and unjustifiable for many Americans.

7. Israel has often been in constant conflict with neighboring countries, causing further stability issues in the region.

8. The alliance has been used as a pretext for increasing U.S. involvement in middle east affairs, which has caused further instability and increased tensions.

9. Israel has continuously refused to adhere to U.N. resolutions and international laws, causing further international pressure against the U.S.

10. The alliance has been costly and unproductive for the U.S., especially in terms of financial and political support

11. The alliance has frequently placed the U.S. in the middle of conflicts and issues that do not directly concern U.S. interests.

12. The alliance has been a source of tension and instability with regards to Iran and other middle east countries, which has escalated tensions and increased the risk of conflict.

13. Israel has consistently received special status and privilege from the U.S. that other allied governments and countries have not received.

14. The alliance has led to resentment and anti-American sentiment amongst many in the region, creating further divisions and mistrust among allies.

15. Israel has not been a cooperative or trustworthy ally in terms of intelligence and security information sharing.

16. Israel has been a perpetual liability and source of tensions for the U.S., causing unnecessary stress and problems with neighboring countries.

17. The alliance has been a source of embarrassment and criticism for the U.S., especially in terms of its continued support and protection of Israel in the face of numerous allegations of human rights abuses and violations.

18. The U.S. has invested a significant amount of money, resources, and political capital in promoting the security and stability of Israel, which has not been reciprocated in full by Israel.

19. The United States is a democratic and liberal nation, while Israel has adopted a right-wing government with undemocratic tendencies, which has led to significant differences in values and policies between the two countries.

20. Israel has increasingly pushed for a unilateral agenda that has not resonated with the American public and has further alienated the American public.

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