Light Brigade ships seen around multiple military bases

2 months ago

The fake news (which is a full member of the global cabal) will do anything or say anything to misdirect you into thinking something other than what is true.

As the Earth continues to enter this age of light (abundance) well leaving this era of darkness (scarcity), the ongoing change to abundance and knowledge increases while darkness wants you to remain ignorant and weak making you controllable.

The spacecraft mentioned in this video are from Creator Sources Light Brigade as darkness is purged and eliminated from the planet. The members of the Light Brigade are both angelic and galactic. The Angelics are light beings that require no craft to change location. Galactics, of which most are another species of Lyran origin (on earth we call this human) which...if they were standing next to you in sneakers, jeans, and'd never know (other than their vibration is so high, you feel no fear from them) they were not originally from around here.

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