How to responde to a CHOATIC WORLD!!

3 months ago

Vessels of Honor.... reading from my book: Heart of The Father.
I truly believe the message in this book is something we need to hear in this generation.
When it comes to interacting with the world around us, sometimes it’s easier to disengage and keep people at a distance. If we choose to keep people at a distance, the good news is that those people cannot hurt us or inconvenience us; the bad news is that they can’t help us either, and we make the choice not to be a part of advancing the Kingdom, because we can only influence people through a relationship with them. If you get close to someone, will some accuse you, use you, and abuse you? Probably. But part of our call is to transform the world, to be men and women who turn the world upside down, and we simply can’t fulfill that call when we choose isolation or avoidance.

“These who have turned the world upside down have come here also.”
— Acts 17:6

Grab your copy on Amazon or here:

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