From “Why Me” to “Thank You.” Gratitude in Tough Times – a ‘Daily Inspiration’ meet up

9 days ago

From “Why Me” to “Thank You.” Gratitude in Tough Times. – a ‘Daily Inspiration’ meet up

Please join us next time for our weekly group discussions based upon James Blanchard Cisneros 'Daily Inspirations.'
Subjects Discussed:
1 - What would your day look like If you dedicated your day to gratitude, to being grateful for all the would come your way?
2 - What if you saw every person who came into your presence as offering you an opportunity to choose love over fear, forgiveness over judgment and thus peace over pain?
3 - Gratitude as an expression of Love shows us that the Truth in us is in control of our thoughts and thus of our minds and lives.
4 - Fear, a lack of gratitude show us that the ego's past programs are in control of our thoughts and thus of our mind and lives.
5 - Gratitude being an expression of Love aligns you with the state of peace which is also an expression of Love.
6 - If today the ego demands judgment, practice consciously stopping that line of thinking, you do so by stopping the time, focus and energy you are sacrificing to it.
7 - Find ways today to be grateful to all those God sends your way. How are they, through their presence in your life, helping you grow, heal and awaken.
8 - "If its not good then God is not done"
9 - Tango proactively with the energy of gratitude - make your goal gratitude before the interaction. Now the interaction becomes a means to achieve your goal.
10 - During the interaction keep reminding yourself of your goal.
11 - These interactions, these goals of proactively choosing gratitude show you that you can have peace in every interaction.
12 - If your brother triggers you into judgment, thank them for offering you the opportunity to choose forgiveness and thus recall that you are worthy of peace.
13 - The more you consciously align with any expression of Love, the more you unconsciously connect with God and make Hime your constant companion.
14 - You came to Earth be be a light within the darkness. Gratitude is an expression of that Light.
15 - Today, through the act of gratitude become the light of the world that God created you to be.
16 - Anytime someone comes into your presence means that God is entrusting you with His child and creation. If God does not doubt you then don't doubt your ability to be love.
17 - God dos not sent His children to people He does not trust.
18 - Gratitude makes you feel fulfilled because you are doing what you were created to do.
19 - Learning to set loving boundaries.
20 - Only Love is real or true, thus people can in truth only love you.
21 - Our primary job is to show others the way back to the light in them.
22 - Letting go of our old childhood programming.
23 - How to end your relationship to your past programming.
24 - How to return to the holy Instant in order to experience and enjoy what God created for you.
25 - When you lack peace, feeling unworthy, don't focus on them and thus dive deeper into the darkness, instead use such moment to practice taking back control of your mind.
26 - Feeling gratitude in difficult times offers you the opportunity to trust God more. The more you trust God, the less anxiety you will have.
27 - Consciously stop supporting thoughts that don't support your peace and gratitude.
28 - "In my defenselessness my safety resides."
29 - Finding out what your partners "love language" is.

Daily Inspiration: November 28. From “Why Me” to “Thank You.” Gratitude in Tough Times – Condensed Version

How many times in our life have we woken up with the distinct goal of dedicating our day to gratitude? Doesn’t this sound like a useful healing opportunity, tool and path? In this time of Thanksgiving, let us dedicate this day to gratitude. In every moment that we can remember to do so, let our goal be to make gratitude our constant response and companion. Imagine how our mindset and day would shift to a more joyous and peaceful state if we began to make gratitude our response to everyone and all that comes our way. Today, let us not judge situations, ourself or others and keep asking “Why me?” as the ego has programmed us to do. Instead, let us trust in the sacred nature of the journey that we have co-created with God. To do so, let us teach ourself to reply to each moment and interaction by thinking or saying, “Thank you.”

Today, it may seem like we are being asked to try out a very small shift in our attitude and mindset. Yet if we truly realize the transformational power of what we are being asked to do, it would forever change our life. Today, if we respond with “Why me?” let that become a sign to us that the ego’s past programs are in control of our thinking and thus of our mind and life. Yet, when we consciously respond with “Thank You!” that will show us that it is finally the truth in us that is in control of our thoughts and thus of our mind and life. Gratitude, as an expression of the Love that God is, is a reflection of our eternal, loving essence and nature. Gratitude is a sign of one who is in alignment with the mind of God.

We are delighted to be holding weekly Zoom calls with James, the author of the Daily Inspiration messages and the book You Have Chosen to Remember. During each video call, James elaborates on a Daily Inspiration message from the previous week. There is also time for participants to ask questions and discuss the Daily Inspiration topics from the week before. The weekly Zoom calls with James are on Mondays at 7pm est.
We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like-minded people.
When: Mondays
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call.
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