Achieve The Perfect Masculine Physique - Subliminal

2 months ago

- Have The Perfect Masculine Physique
- Gain The Ultimate Bodybuilder Physique
- Easily Gain Muscle & Burn Fast At a hyper-accelerated rate
- Have The Benefits of Virtual Muscle Growth Supplements
o Accelerated Muscle Growth (Creatine Booster)
o Genetic Perfection (Muscle-Building)
o Nutrient Materialization & Booster (Carbs/Proteins/etc)
- Have An Mesomorphic Body Type
- Have An Aesthetic Athletic Physique with a V-Taper Torso
- Have Broad Shoulders
- Have A Big & Muscular Chest
- Have Super Shredded 8-Pack Abs
- Have A Small & Narrow Waist
- Peak Human Conditioning

This audio contains affirmations designed for you to manifest the perfect masculine physique. This upgrades your physique to the best aesthetic form you can conceive of. If you have seen enough popular fictional media, you have noticed the men in them possess “perfect bodies”. They tend to have an extremely muscular and ripped body, low body fat, broad shoulders, narrow waist, V-shaped torso, rippling muscle definition & mass, etc.
Achieving this physique in real life tends to lead people into taking steroids. This method is highly unsafe, very risky and greatly damages the body. This audio makes it so you will manifest this physique naturally without any aid/need of any external substances.

• I have the perfect masculine physique.
• My physique is hyper masculine in every way.
• I have a strong mesomorph body type.
• I am genetically gifted with the best masculine body in the world.
• I have an amazing aesthetic athletic body.
• My body is the epitome of peak masculine beauty.
• I have the ultimate bodybuilder physique.
• I have a lean muscular body.
• My body is restored, enhanced and augmented to perfection.
• I build massive amounts of muscle easily.
• I burn fat at a hyper-accelerated rate safely.
• I have superhuman muscle growth.
• I have superior muscle building genetics.
• My myostatin levels are permanently and safely low.
• My muscle protein synthesis is enhanced to superhuman levels.
• My muscle fibers are always saturated with nutrients.
• My muscle fibers are constantly increasing.
• My body naturally materializes optimal amounts of protein for muscle growth and repair.
• My body naturally produces and synthesizes more creatine for muscle growth.
• My body naturally produces a safe beneficial amount of ATP.
• Everything I eat and drink builds my muscles
Pt.3: Aesthetic Body
• I have the most jacked and ripped physique with insane definition and striations.
• I achieve the ultimate physique without doing any physical exercise.
• My muscles get jacked and ripped to their maximum natural capacity.
• I keep getting more jacked and ripped regardless of what I do.
• My body is automatically and continuously getting jacked on autopilot.
• I am naturally lean, muscular and athletic.
• I gain muscle and burn fat with ease.
Pt.4: Aesthetic Body
• All aspects of my wellbeing are at peak health.
• My body uses all forms of energy at the most optimum rate.
• My body is always in optimal condition and health.
• I possess superhuman physical strength.
• My strength is continuously increasing over time.
• I have extraordinary athletic prowess.

Listen to this subliminal 1 - 6 times a day for noticeable results.
Headphones and Earphones Optional.

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