Scuffed Justin Carrey scolding pestering & forcing his dog to walk while she yelps in pain ~07/12/24

3 months ago

Animal cruelty streamed live on youtube

It runs 10 minutes because it you listen closely and also look at chat you can hear that Nelly yelps twice more when she and Justin are outside the room just before the video ends.

Long term viewers will know that this is an ongoing issue that Justin always plays dumb about and refuses to get her seen at a vet for. Every time it happens he will just offer chat different variations on excuses of why he cannot afford, or otherwise just does not want to take her to, the vet.

It has been 8 months since the last upload on my channel which I titled "Help stop Animal Abuse being livestreamed on Youtube". Youtube has classified that video to require a verified 18+ account to watch so if you have not seen that video it may be because you aren't logged in or haven't verified your account.

Also while the dog in question is not seen in this video her name is Nelly or sometimes Chanelle/Chanel and she is a cocker spaniel, described by her owner as "chocolate" in color. She is about 7 or 8 years old and is already known to some local animal welfare organisations.

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