2025 | John Barnwell (TPC #1,639)

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Mr. John Barnwell, author, thinker, meditator, and patriot.

John Barnwell: Grail researcher and author, anthroposophist, cultural historian, contributor American Intelligence Media, co-host of “What is Truth?” YouTube podcast with British author and Rev. David William Parry. also: co-host of “What is Cosmic Intelligence? YouTube podcast with Dr. Douglas Gabriel, co-founder American Intelligence Media

Books by John Barnwell: https://jbarnwell.academia.edu

"The Arcana of the Grail Angel," by John Barnwell https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CWZ3KRYQ/

“The Arcana of Light on the Path," by John Barnwell https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D38KCB61/

Donations: https://www.paypal.me/johnbarnwell888

Further info: American Intelligence Media

Rudolf Steiner Archive:

Arcana of The Grail Angel: https://www.amazon.com/Arcana-Grail-Angel-John-Barnwell/dp/0967150302

Arcana of Light On The Path: https://www.amazon.com/Arcana-Light-Path-Wisdom-Tarot/dp/0967150310

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