Truth Warriors

3 months ago


Am we missing something ? We were told from President Trump he was giving us back our country to "We the People " This was in 2017 !!!

Now we are in 2024 and we are being told this could go into 2025 and 2026

So when exactly are we going to get our country back and our true FREEDOM ????? Respectfully we digital soldiers and Patriots deserve some huges wins , like the following :

1. The J 6 people need to be freed immediately !!!!!!!! They should be honored on national TV !!!!!
2. Fed being locked up !!!
3. Gold and silver stop being surpressed
Silver should be goung sky high , not #shitcoin
4. No CIA !!!
5. Cabal bankers getting arrested
Real sound $$$
6. The people maniputaing stock market and the US dollar need to be locked up and tried for their crimes
7. All Poisons vaxcinnes need to stop immediately against our innocent children and Pets
8. Demolish DC satanic buildings
9. Revaluation of all currency
10. Full truth on JFK assasination and Lincolns

11. We want to see more arrests publicly

12. FULL TRUTH ON 9/11

13. Fauci arrested

14. Clintons arrested

15. IRS is illegal , get rid of them

16. Property taxes illegal

No more in the dark, by not telling us whats going on , the whitehats are just as guilty as the blackhats , no more secrets and deals, we want, need and demand the truth NOW !!!!

There no excuse for this taking so long
We need to see major wins on our side to We The People !!!!

Please explain below questions :

Why are we still using currupt courts?
Why are we not back to common law?
Why is the FED still in place charging us outragous interest ?
Why is our national debt climbing by the millions every day ?
Why is Trump making a new CIA director ?
Why is fake biden and kamela still around ?
Why are J 6 still in jail??
Why is Assange so silent ?
Why are you all continually kicking the can down the road ?
Why are we still participating in scam cabal elections ?
Why no EBS ??

Why has our true US Contitution FOR these United States not been reinstated ?

People are sick and dieing and deserve a chance at Med beds and the criminal RX companies still roaming around free and Doctors giving jabs to new born babies and pets ?????

Homes are being forclosed on

Its seems those in charge are still out of touch w the average American

When will we see a HUGE WINS, get an EBS or EAS from Military and take our country back ?????

Stop the drip drip drip , tell us the truth
We demanding our FREEDOM NOW !!!

Its Time for The Truth , the American people are not children, we can handle the Truth , we are not going one more Thanksgiving or Christmas living out this lie !!!!!!

Its TIME !!!!!!


The American People who now have run out of PATIENCES !!!!!!!!!!

If you agree please foward/ SHARE to all and especially to anyone in the military so they hear our demands


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