Mission Mind Control (1979)

4 hours ago

This was aired back in 1979 on ABC and it covers the evil DRUG and LSD experiments that the CIA did on people without telling them.

They wanted to biologically and chemically control human behavior by controlling their minds.

The experiments they conducted were without any consent and they were nothing short of pure evil.

This kind of thing would never even be investigated or allowed on TV these days.

These doctors act like there is nothing wrong as they feel safe behind government doors as they joke, giggle and laugh about their unethical, evil experiments.

Just because you follow Nazi orders doesn’t make what they did not a crime.

This is horrifying that the CIA would do this to Americans.

George Hunter White – Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Undercover CIA agent said this: “it was fun, fun, fun, where else could a red blooded American boy; lie, kill and cheat, steal, deceive, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the all highest.”

Yeah, that about sums up of the filth that was running our country back then and you can just amplify that with the scum we have today.

*Note: There are commercials in this show, but kind of an interesting piece of history.

Source: Nuclear Vault --https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMH5WgGFxlc

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