What Christmas Is All About

3 months ago

Matthew 1:21 What Christmas Is Really All About
Intro: We have Christmas lights, Santa Claus, reindeer, sleighs, Elves, and Christmas trees. We give gifts to one another. We sing Christmas songs. We have celebrations. And at the center of it all is Jesus! Or He should be…..but it is so commercialized. YOU can’t blame businesses. This is their biggest time of the year. Nearly one hundred percent of people will shop between thanksgiving and Christmas for gifts for someone. That is a big part of a companies business. And not only Business but busy-ness. We are bombarded with shopping and plays, and getting our decoration up, and going to Christmas parties, and all the other Christmas stuff that we become stressed more during this time than any other part of the year. But what is Christmas all about? I’m glad you asked….

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