National Free Media Summit 2.0 - Kurt Mahlburg

2 months ago

National Free Media Summit 2.0. Sun, 1 Dec, 3pm - 7pm Norwood Concert Hall, Norwood, South Australia
Guest speakers include Rebekah Barnett, Kurt Mahlburg, Katie Asby-Koppens, John Larter and Graham Hood.
Entertainment by popular supporter The Flaming Sambucas -

Kurt Mahlburg

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Kurt Mahlburg is a husband to Angie, a father, a freelance writer, and a familiar Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He is the Senior Editor and a regular columnist at The Daily Declaration. Kurt is also a Contributing Editor at Mercator, where he publishes weekly. More of his writings can be found at Intellectual Takeout, the Spectator Australia, The American Spectator and Caldron Pool.

A published author, Kurt’s breakout title Cross and Culture: Can Jesus Save the West? explores the social and spiritual challenges facing Western nations and the hope Jesus offers in our crisis. Along with Warwick Marsh, Kurt has co-authored several other books, including Great Southland Revival, Power of Prayer, and Jesus: The Centre of It All.

Kurt is passionate about speaking the truths into the public square in a way that makes sense to a secular culture and that gives Christians courage to do the same. He has previously studied architecture, worked as a primary school teacher, and served as a missionary and a young adults pastor. Among Kurt’s other interests are philosophy, history, surf, the outdoors, and travel. He hosts his own blog at Cross and Culture

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