As Tiffany Henyard complains about being kept off township ballot, opponents call her a hypocrite

2 months ago

It's only Thursday, but Dolton Mayor and Thornton Township Supervisor Tiffany Henyard has had quite the week—with turmoil, yelling, and political maneuvering in both of her jobs.

On Thursday night, some of Henyard's opponents called her a hypocrite—as she fights to stay on one ballot herself while supporting those opponents getting thrown off another.

This past Tuesday night, a Democratic Party Caucus for Thornton Township resulted in Henyard being denied a place on the ballot for reelection as township supervisor.

All township supervisor hopefuls needed all eight people for their slate—supervisor, highway director, clerk, assessor, and four trustees. Henyard did not have a certified assessor on her ticket, and therefore, was deemed not valid to be considered for nomination.

Nominated instead was Illinois state Sen. Napoleon Harris, who also serves as the Thornton Township Democratic committeeman. His name will be on the ballot as the Democratic candidate for Thornton Township Supervisor, and Henyard's will not.

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