Dominus Diabolus - random 1st playthrough part 1 - no music

2 months ago

I randomly chose a wad I've never played before as a first time playthrough. The Doom map wad is called "Dominus Diabolus". I am playing with my "Star Haven" mod, starring Traviel Pinedancer and Flayce Lovan, light workers who transmute demon souls to new clean star energy. You can buy my 1st "Star Haven" game from

And here is Doomworld forums page for Diamonus Diaboluious....gawd can i spell ? ---copypaste---Dominus Diabolicus - MBF21 33-map megawad with new enemies and original soundtrack [OGG Soundtrack and QoL final hotfix]

I often play video games with the music turned off, so i can hear all the sounds in the environment for SURVIVAL! among other reasons. I haven't heard the soundtrack for this yet. I will play with the music on some time. Also, sometimes when I watch other people play video games, I like to play my own music

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