America's A Socialist Country, Your Freedoms Been Erased

3 months ago

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When people give their power over to the state and pay high taxes with the threat of more, they’ve entered socialism. America’s here. Our corrupt politicians pass 1000-page bills without reading them. Included within the documents is massive debt and more taxation without representation.

Socialism destroys private industry through the taxation of the people. It strips away wealth, kills innovation and gives all control over to those in charge, the nanny state.

The power of the Government needs restriction. By nature, politicians are corrupt. They seize citizens’ wealth. And then spend it however they see fit with zero consequence.

When people rely on the state instead of themselves for their basic needs, it’s game over. The state rapes them of everything they own without remorse.

Under Socialism, all personal, political and economic freedom — erased. Servitude is the only path forward.

You’ll own nothing and be happy.


Starting to sound familiar?

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