(2007) General Wesley Clark "Instead we had a POLICY COUP. Some hard-nosed people took over the direction of American policy..."

1 month ago

It seems obvious to me he is talking about the Jewish NEOCONS changing the POLICY as they love WAR and always planning to invade all of Israeli's perceived Enemies and loot & plunder these countries.

(PNAC) The Project for a New American Century published online on September 2000 (Exactly 1-year before 9/11) where they say they need a NEW PEARL HARBOR style attack to get the American people behind them as they invade 7 Middle Eastern countries starting with Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.
They planned to do all of this in 5 years but have almost done it in 25 years. Iran is the only one left now and they are SABER RATTLING for an upcoming war with Iran and Trump seems to be all behind them on it. Time will tell.

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