World Peace | Real Talk | Ep 38 | FeelGoodShareGood

3 months ago

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These events aim to share an individual’s inspiring journey overcoming a challenge in their life. Whether the journey is health related or how a business developed, all positive, life changing journeys are discussed on this talk show.

Recorded on July 8, 2024:
World Peace
Host: Siobhan Shaw

Gillian Murray ~ Founder of "Feel Good, Share Good"
Sheela Krishna ~ Whole Human Leadership Coach and Transcendental Sound Healer

Special Guest:
Barbara With ~ Psychic Channel to "The Party" Headed by Albert Einstein

Here's what you can expect:
Barbara is an international peace activist, award-winning, author, composer/performer, workshop facilitator, psychic channel, and cofounder of Conflict REVOLUTION, a revolutionary process to resolve conflicts of the psyche as a pathway to global peace based on her work channeling a group called the party headed up by Albert Einstein.

Barbara will talk about her world peace tour, and call out to the participation of the willing to take part in a nonviolent worldwide action to end the age of war, starting with self.

Our Editors:
Christopher Cadiz - -
Mary Jerusha Teraji -
Michelle Weng

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