06 Genesis - 2 Peter 3 (Age of the earth)

3 months ago

Though the world mocks, stand firm!
2 Peter 3:1-10
I. Second Peter 3:1-10
II. Review of Science and the Bible
III. Cosmology: Part 3
A. How literal should we take Genesis?
1. Poetry, creed, liturgy, or historical narrative?
(a.) Internal evidence for historical narrative
(b.) What does scholarship say?
2. Historical theology
B. How old is the earth according to the Bible?
C. How old is the earth according to common science?
1. Radiometric dating
2. Associated problems
D. Three options to reconcile the data:
1. Accept current dating methods(Relegate the text to poetry/metaphor)
2. Accept a creative fusion (Cram unfitting puzzle pieces)
3. Accept a biblical cosmology of 6-7k years (Turn off your brain / Be anti-science)
E. The Final Interpretation
IV. Standing Firm
Hebrews 11:3 & 2 Peter 3:17

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