05 Genesis - Psalm 19 & Rom 1 (Natural Revelation)

3 months ago

The Creation Points us to God!
Psalm 19:1-4 / Romans 1:18-20
I. Review
II. Natural Revelation (Psalm 19:1-4 & Rom 1:18-20)
III. Cosmology: Genesis 1:1
A. Ex Nihilo
Jeremiah 10:12
B. Genesis 1:1 (Dependent or independent clause
Independent clause: In six days God made space, time, and matter, then shaped it
Dependent clause: In six days God shaped pre-existing matter
IV. Consequences of a Non-Traditional Rendering
V. Evidence for a Traditional Understanding of Gen 1:1
A. Genesis 1:1 is an independent clause
1. All translations make it an independent clause.
(KJV, NKJV, NIV, ESV, NASB, HCSB, CSB, Jewish Bibles)
2. The Septuagint makes Gen 1:1 an independent clause.
B. The Biblical evidence that God created space, time, and matter ex nihilo in verse one, and then formed that matter over six days, is strongly attested in the whole of scripture.
C. These are failed attempt to twist the text to make it fit modern scientific theories about the age of the earth.
VI. The Creation Points to God
Psalm 145:5

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