Article 5153 Video - What Has Been Endured: For North Carolina and Tennessee By Anna Von Reitz

3 months ago

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Article 5153 Video - What Has Been Endured: For North Carolina and Tennessee - Saturday, December 7, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Somehow, I have to get it across to all of you --- some who are in denial, some who were not personally impacted --- the severity of what has happened in your States of the Union.

North Carolina: It doesn't matter whose garage or storage unit the State Record Copies are stored in, so long as they are safe. Tennessee: It's okay for people to have a contrary opinion.

Some of you have the idea that "the Assembly" is embodied in the paperwork and offices and external things. It's not.

The same misunderstanding pertains to churches when people mistake the church building for the church. The church isn't embodied by any house of worship. The church is the people.

This country is the people. This nation is the people. And your State Assembly is similarly vested in what? The people. Each one of the people, all equally endowed, no one of them greater than the others.

We owe each other, members and officers, gratitude for good faith service, each according to our contributions and talents. And that's all the mystery and miracle there is to it, that we choose to come together to govern ourselves, our States, and our country.

Some of you haven't understood my irritation with all the slanderous statements and accusations being recklessly promoted; It's because these activities indicate failure to self-govern.

We are called upon to control our own tongues, and not utter opinions or suspicions as facts. If we can't honor that basic principle, how are we to exercise the judgement, restraint, vision, and kindness necessary to govern a nation-state?

I feel drug out, hopeless, pained and frustrated to the bone, because after all this time, so many of our members have regressed to reacting as if they were children, taking sides and playing King of the Mountain, in the face of a natural disaster of this magnitude.

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