M.I.A. shines a blowtorch on the cult infested entertainment 'bloodbath' scene

2 months ago

Singer M.I.A. has made new claims against Jay-Z and Beyoncé, accusing them of pressuring her to undergo plastic surgery and participate in satanic rituals to boost her career.

According to M.I.A., these rituals included drenching herself in blood, covering herself in black goo, or wearing devil horns—all in the name of selling records.

Declaring she’s had enough, M.I.A. warns, “I’m coming for everyone now.”

M.I.A.'s recent interview with Candace Owens:

(Source: Counterspin Media)

I have never heard of M.I.A. but her stage name reminds me of the Australia's nappyland media. Ha ha. And according to certain showbiz cult commentators, Beyoncé is a high priestess.

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Article Link: https://jillionaire.substack.com/p/theres-no-biz-like-soul-selling-showbiz

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