Disiplin - Molti Nemici, Molto Onore! (Comp) (2009) (NO)

3 months ago

1. Vama Marga 06:19
2. Black Sun Rising 06:12
3. Now See the Dissemination of Sight 04:54
4. Stasis 03:42
5. Blitz 03:27
6. Revolt 02:18
7. Damnation's Cruzade 07:55
8. Prelude to Kali Yuga 03:36
9. Nine Years - Nine Wounds 04:12
10. AtomVinter 05:02
11. WotansLied 03:04
12. Kali Yuga 05:31
13. TusenÃ…rsRiket 04:41
14. Empire of the Iron Glove 04:13

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