A.H.I. | Havana Syndrome

3 months ago

X22 report NEWS
AHI is short for apnea-hypopnea index
a-without pnea-breath
Seems they are assigning this "syndrome" only to low blood oxygen.
That is a symptom, not cause!
Allopathic medicine treats symptoms.
Naturopathic medicine treats causes.
See ANCCR for more information.
Here is a NEW possible test to see if you have structures self-replicating in your blood and bio-system. Pee into a receptacle that you can leave undisturbed for several hours. You can try with and without water inside of it. See if any pattern emerges on the surface. This was noticed by someone recently and they say a rectangular pattern with lines on the corners, in square shapes and at an angle, sort of like angular patterns found on some snowflakes, form.
🌿ANCCR🕊️ is the first to announce this! ⬅️🧪🚽

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