Meet The Press: Jen Psaki Wants Trump To Hire People Who'll Oppose Him And His Agenda

1 month ago

Posted • December 8, 2024: Ah, another Sunday on Meet the Press. Well, more like Meet the Dems. President-Elect Donald Trump, like any leader or employer, is seeking dedicated people for his administration who will carry out his agenda as approved by voters on Election Day. As expected, ‘journalists’ and their fellow Democrats find that rational notion to be absolutely appalling and out of the norm. Let’s hear what Democrat Jennifer Psaki of MSNBC has to say. 🚨 Psaki: Trump wants loyalists like Bondi and Patel in his admin so that Trump has “plausible deniability” when they target his political enemies: "They know what the direction is. He does not need to direct them. They have passed their loyalty tests." -- Projection meters: Melted. After 4 years of regime loyalists targeting Trump and his supporters, the propaganda press is suddenly concerned about weaponized law enforcement.

‘Journalists’ and their fellow Democrats are trying to paint Trump’s desire of bringing corrupt politicians to justice as retribution. They want to protect fellow Democrats and some Republicans (think Liz Cheney) who have mobilized the power of the federal government against Trump at his every turn. There is just zero awareness or acknowledgment of what the Biden Admin and DOJ has done for the last 4 years. That’s (D)ifferent. Don’t expect them to learn anything from the last election. Kamala and the Democrats have shifted most of the country to the Right and in the right direction. We don’t want them to learn. The more they refuse to learn, the better. ✅ Democrats, and this extends to their ‘journalists’, generally lack the ability to self-reflect. Introspection is necessary for learning and growing. They will to continue fail, doing the same ridiculous things over and over. Democrats are under the bizarre belief that Trump should be hiring people who will oppose him on everything. A requirement they never (conveniently) place on themselves. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Meet the Press: Jen Psaki Wants Trump to Hire People Who’ll Oppose Him and His Agenda
Rumble: Full NBC 'Meet The Press' Interview: President-Elect Donald Trump

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