Testimonies that will give shockwaves down your spine

3 months ago

To every pro-assadist , may Allah curse him and curse anyone and everyone that think assad the stray dog of Syria was a great and civilized "man" ... Ä°t is a devilish monster in human form, worse even than the satanyahuu we all hate with every fiber of our excistence... Ä°f you claim to stand for Justice than assad and his gangs, including his witch wife should be an enemy #1 to you... Ä°f not, than you are deluded in your madness ... And then my wish for those that is pro-assadist in the least, i hope you will be resurrected together with him and satanyahu and their gangs in power and in the field committing the crimes against Mankind, which you justified!

The likes of #stewpeters , #lucasgage #kevork #syriangirl #layth and sadly even #dimitriLascaris and others, how dispicable and consumed you have become ... You worship isrræil more than you realize!!! Saying İt's disgusting is an understatement!

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