An Albertan elementary school in Whitecourt cancelled its winter concert before Christmas break

3 months ago

What a hypocritical joke!
Note all people celebrate Pride but it’s shoved down our throats!

They take the bible out of schools that I use to enjoy as a child.

Now they take away Christmas from kids!

Why don’t you stop taking away things from born & bread Canadians to appease others that move here from other countries?

Do we move to other countries & expect them to change their way of living to please us?

No we don’t because we are not selfish ungrateful assholes.

That’s what it all comes down to they are disrespectful, ungrateful glorified assholes that think we got to cater to them!

Well I got news for you! We will not change our ways to cater to anyone! We had enough of this BS! I say send them back to where they care from! Plain & simple!

Sick of them & all the BS that they bring with them! Sick of the stupid woke media! Sick of the greedy corrupt government!

If they hate our ways so much goodbye & don’t let the gate hit you on your way back to your own country!

If they think there’re going to push us Canadians around in our own country! Lmfaosb I was born strong & free & I will not bow down to the!
All you puppets that hide in a corner & do what you’re told you deserve everything you get! 100 times fold! Send them packing!
An Albertan elementary school in Whitecourt cancelled its winter concert before Christmas break after the principal said it wasn’t inclusive enough.

Watch The Alberta Roundup with @IsaacLamoureux:


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