This Doesn't End Well For Them, So Good Luck! Leftist TikTokers Threaten Billionaires, CEOs

3 months ago

Posted • December 8, 2024: Remember when the Left accused the LibsofTikTok X account of 'stochastic terrorism' for simply reposting videos Leftists themselves publicly shared on TikTok? By sharing those videos, the Left argued, LibsofTikTok was encouraging Right-wingers to allegedly call in bomb threats to various places. They even tried to get the FBI to investigate the woman behind the account, Chaya Raichik. Well, Chaya's undeterred and will continue to expose the Left for the violent, murderous commies they are: Liberal tiktokers are now openly threatening CEOs and billionaires, telling them they should be scared, after the UHC CEO was assassinated @FBI. -- Oh, that sound we hear now, as Leftists threaten to kill CEOs and billionaires? Yeah, that's crickets. Can we all collectively agree if someone is a liberal there is some SERIOUS mental illness going on? Something like 50% of Leftist women have a diagnosed mental illness, so yeah.

She’s filming herself full-faced…then pulling up a mask and hood. What’s she pretending? That she’s gonna go commit crime? While filming it? Of course not. It’s F’ing rebel cosplay. And it’s pathetic. You’re not a rebel lady…take off the mask and drive your kids to soccer. -- She may not, but she may inspire others to. And imagine what would happen if this were a Right-winger threatening Democrats? The Left would be SCREECHING from the rooftops about 'domestic terrorism.' And just like that, liberals love guns. Amazing, no? What’s hilarious is that at the right moment, this woman is most likely as anti-gun as it gets. No principles, just fueled by “the current thing”. Absolutely ZERO principles. Liberal White women are the greatest threat to western civilization. “Shareholders should be scared” There really needs to be a basic competency and mental fitness test before voting.

The guy isn't even buried yet and they've gone from CEOs to shareholders--teachers, union guys, and retirees take note. But yeah, this isn't Marxist at all. Bingo. Everyone with a 401(k) or any sort of investments is probably a shareholder. So she's going to shoot us all? It's not even Marxism. It's Maoist, and that's infinitely worse. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - This Doesn't End Well for Them, So Good Luck! Leftists TikTokers Threaten Billionaires, CEOs
Twitchy: Half of Young Leftist Women Have a Diagnosed Mental Illness is the Least Surprising Revelation Today

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