Speak to the Earth

3 months ago

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Speak to the Earth

8th of December 2024 04.44
Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf

Speak to the Earth so you can take dominion and subdue it as I told Adam and Eve.

Speak with authority and power because I have given you the power and the authority to speak!

Use your authority as My Kingdom is going forth to the four corners of the Earth. Take it for it is yours to take!

Speak to the winds from the four corners of Earth so you can activate the angels to move.

Decree a thing and it shall be established as I said to Job.

Be the Trumpet in this hour! Who is worthy to open the scrolls of life?

The lamb of God is worthy to open the scrolls of the nations to unfold in this hour. That is what is written of in the book of Life.

Keep pressing into Me because I desire your deep intimacy with Me in this very hour!

My beloved bride I Am longing to embrace you and tell My secrets to you so you will know My will and My heart in all things.

My beloved Bride is powerful because of Me and no one else.

Very soon I will empower you with wealth so You are able to raise a standard. Raise the banner, raise your voices!

Roar! Roar! Roar! Because in this hour the world will change rapidly because I Am about to take territories and I want you to proclaim it!

Why is it so crucial? Because My Kingdom is going to change the world forever and ever.

In this hour I have sent My Angel Armies to fulfill what I have already spoken through My prophets.

I speak to the Gates! Open now! I speak to the Earth to bring forth what is hidden! I speak to My Sons and Daughters to be revealed and I release in this very hour I speak!

I speak to the elements to obey My commandments because I said to the fire not to harm My servant Daniel, Shadrak, Mesjak and Abednego!

They went through the fire and so are You! You are gold in My hands. Gold has to go through the fire seven times. Seven times to be refined.

Do not limit Me of saying what I can not Do!
What is impossible for man, it's possible for Me.

I Am without limitation. Who can hold Me back? No one!

Be of good courage as you are drawing closer to Me I will draw closer to you.

I love you and I Am dreaming with you so you can activate the Spirit of creation because I Am the Life and the Resurrection.

Speak to your future because your tomorrow is not being touched yet.

Therefore speak My words into your promise of tomorrow.
Arise, arise and shine.

Gen. 1:28
Isaiah 11:12
Rev. 7:1-4
Job 22:28
Rev. 5:14
Matt. 6:10
Dan. 3:16-28
Rom. 8:19
Matt. 19:26

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