It's time for the Harvest

2 months ago

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It's time for the Harvest

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
7th of December 2024 19.25

Lo and behold the King of Kings is coming.

It's time to speak about salvation of the Lord. The good tidings are here.

What you have sown thus shall you reap.

It's time to Roar! Lift up your voices. Get ready to take your future, your heritage.

Your enemies are screaming like never before. They are screaming because they know that their time is short.

Get ready to take territories! Take the land! Occupy!

It's not the time to back down or to give up!

My Kingdom is here and soon My sons will be revealed.

Shakings and eruptions are getting intensified like never before so be rooted and grounded in Me in this hour.

Make sure of where your Foundation is laid upon.

Is it in Me? You shall never be shaken.
Is it in anything else but Me? Choose this day whom you will serve.

If you take heed of My words which is Life then you shall receive life more abundantly.

Surrender your life to Me, everything, even the parts that you think are not important to you.

Take Me more seriously and do it with all your heart, with all your strength and power. Take Me into your Chambers.

The intimacy that I desire and require from you is crucial in this hour.

Be the wise bridesmaid that has extra oil on your lamps. Be the good stewards of My Kingdom.

Whom can I send? Is it you?

Gal. 6:7
Rev. 12:12
Num. 33:53
Luk. 17: 20-21
Joshua 24:15
John 10:10
Gal. 2:20
Matt. 6:6
Matt. 25:1-13
Rom. 8:19
Isaiah 6:8

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