Your world, your beauty

2 months ago

Comments by Mr. Dog on this mornings ( my morning) call.

FACT: Trump used the exchange stabilization fund and special purpose vehicles with Mnuchin and then used the Federal Reserve money to fund GESARA for the future. That is a fact.

So the white hats control the Central Banks, the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the World Bank and these sovereign wealth funds. That is a fact. And NESARA and GESARA IS BRICS. The United States IS part of BRICS. Trump just can’t tell us this right now, but he is part of BRICS. That’s when he came out recently with that statement saying that anybody who wants to get rid of the dollar reserve currency is going to have these huge tariffs. That’s a psyop that he's using right now. All the fiat currency that is in existence right now, thanks to the Federal Reserve that has flooded our country and all the other international bankers who flooded all the other countries globally, it’s going to flush into the blockchain financial system. And don’t forget about the EO 13818, 13848 and 13959 which allow all of the individual assets as well as corporate assets to be seized from any person or company involved in child sex trafficking or crimes against humanity, involved in supplying China with our patents or our trade secrets, our military trading with the enemy and then on top of that election interference.

All of this stuff you guys are going to find out. This is why we have to take these bankers down. The international bankers have got to be taken down so that they can no longer control any country’s printing or money supply thereof. This is all going to be done through the Quantum Financial System. This is all going to be done through liquidity tokens and stable tokens through smart contracts and everything is going to be tokenized on the new blockchain system. We’re going to have digital ID’s and I know everyone’s scared of them but they’re good because it’s going to provide transparency so that none of this corruption can ever happen again.

The United States is funding GESARA. BRICS is GESARA. The United States, I guarantee, is part of GESARA.

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