What does Transformative Economic Growth Look Like

2 months ago

Download the pamphlet @ https://www.prometheanaction.com/what-president-trump-can-do-with-the-american-system-2-0/ — America hasn't had transformative growth in 50 years. It's time we change that.

Peter Thiel famously once said, "we wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters." In a post today, Elon Musk put it this way,

"To improve the TRUE economy, which is output of useful products and services, we need to shift people from low to negative productive jobs in government to high productivity jobs in the private sector! This is what really matters at a fundamental level."

As discussed in our initial classes in this series, true economic growth is transformative--meaning the human species progresses by changing its relations with the natural world. Let's get back to that! In the next class we'll review the technological and infrastructure revolutions waiting to be implemented.

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