TGW: X-Men Legends II: Rise Of Apocalypse The Holding Pens

3 months ago

In this episode of X-men Legends II, 3 people Pyro, Colossus, and Cyclops tag along with Wolverine to investigate the Brain Trust in the Penitentiary area, Cyclops enters the area and immediately agrees that Banshee was right about the Brain Trust, as Cyclops and the team are starting to lose the urge to fight, Cyclops says it gets worse the more they move through the area, The team encounter Returning enemies and fight them off, they head off fighting more bad guys, They eventually head over to an area and get locked out they fight their way through and access a panel, it deactivates the Shields, a Homing Beacon is revealed and The Team head off to to grab it, they successfully grab it, The team head off again again and then accidentally activate a trap, Cyclops walk towards it but doesn't get hurt however he still destroys the generator that powers them, The team travel more until they get lost they eventually find a way out of The holding Pens and into the Stockade, The team Travels along and then find a bunch of remains of previous wanderers in a acid pit, Wolverine jumps in it and collects Tech bits, the team head off again and find a Door, Cyclops figures they need to break it down, and so the team fight more of Apocalypse's minons, but then come across a bunch of entities that looked similar to the Astral Plane creatures the X-men previously fought, but they are just Psychic demons. The team fight more of them but then they keep respawning after defeating them many times, Cyclops realizes this is just a waste of time and so the team head off to the next area, as they are there Banshee sends a message to the team, he tells them they will not only be facing the Brain Trust but also a Villain named Stryfe, Banshee says the best way to hinder The Brain Trust is to disable them, along the area, Banshee also says they need Security codes but that won't be an issue for them, Banshee also says there is a way to Psychically have the Brain Trusts IMPS to help them, Banshee says that that's optional but it would be beneficial for the team, and so the team head off, they disable a brain trust and it self destructs, they then find another Brain Trust in person, Cyclops attempts to punch it but gets knocked back by it, Cyclops activates a panel and that Brain Trust also self destructs, they find a panel and activate it, a Psychic demon is summoned to aid the team with their fight, they find another Brain Trust and cause it to self destruct as well, they head off more into the Facility, and find a door which leads to the Main room, They find Stryfe, he confronts them saying that they are making a mistake, but Cyclops demands Stryfe to explain why, Stryfe says the X-man is very courageous and strong and that they would make a honary fitting servant of Apocalypse, Cyclops says Stryfe can't talk about Honor or Courage as Stryfe uses Genetically Altered Brains to control the mood of Prisoners, Stryfe is surprised the team has heard of the Brain Trust, and explains its useful to keep Prisoners docile, and that it's NOT Dishonorable, Cyclops says he disagrees and that him and the team are gonna put a stop to Stryfe's Brain Trust, Strfe says they are welcomed to try and calls them weaklings, the conversation ends and the team begin the fight, Cyclops finds the Brain Trusts and punches it, Cyclops gets knock backed by it once again but, he realizes the Brain Trust took damage, before Cyclops could attack it again Stryfe throws Cyclops away from it, Pyro realizing Cyclops managed to damage the Brain Trust, he attacks it as well until Stryfe throws him from it, Wolverine getting annoyed with Stryfe's interference with the Brain Trust lashes out at him killing Stryfe, Wolverine takes his anger towards the Brain Trust and destroys it, but then....Stryfe gets awakened by the Brain Trust, Wolverine gets annoyed and lashes at him again defeating Stryfe, Wolverine then destroys another Brain Trust machine, Stryfe gets revived again and Wolverine attempts attacking the Brain Trust but he is thrown from it again, they continue destroying more Brain Trusts, Pyro attacks the last one till he's thrown from it, he attacks it again destroying it the team focus attacking Stryfe and defeat him, Pyro says since the Brain Trust is destroyed, the prisoners should have no issue leaving the Pens, Blink congratulates the team and tells them to see Banshee when they head back to the mansion, Cyclops speaks to Banshee for which Banshee congratulates them on their mission at the New York Pens, Cyclops says they couldn't have done it without Banshee, Banshee says its no problem he's glad to help in Dark times, Cyclops asks who is Banshee LOL, Banshee responds Confused that Cyclops doesn't know but he tells him his name is Sean Cassidy, Cyclops asks what his mutant power is, Banshee says he can generate Sonic Vibration screams that are powerful enough to crush a rock, Cyclops asked how much did he know about Stryfe and The Brain Trust, Banshee says they put him in the bad state he was in, Cyclops surprised ask if they tortured him, Banshee says they tried but he's made of sturdier stuff, and that he wouldn't crack any information for them, Cyclops asks how did Banshee escape, Banshee says he was ready to give up until he realized if he didn't do anything he'd be stuck in the pens forever, Banshee says he used every last bit of his strength and shattered the locks, the walls, and 3 guards away from him. Banshee says after he did that he managed to escape from the sewers and find the team, Cyclops ends the conversation thanking Banshee, The team head off to the secret portal and fight more bad guys they then find a helmet belonging to someone and took it, The team head back to camp and relax till the Act 4 Finale in Part 20 ;)

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