[REQUESTED] #062: MARVEL Vs CAPCOM: Deadpool Vs B.B. Hood / Featuring Gi-Gi

3 months ago

*Quick-ie Fight 0062*

Fight 1:
Deadpool Vs B.B. Hood
[ Fight requested by @thalisonmachado5167 ]
Type of Fight: 1-on-1 Fight, Best 2 out of 3.
System: IKEMEN-Go

Fight 2:
Deadpool & B.B. Hood Vs Ruin Guarder (Gi Gi)
Type of Fight: 2-on-1 Fight, Best 2 out of 3.
System: IKEMEN-Go

0:15 Intro
0:50 Deadpool Vs B.B. Hood
4:25 Deadpool & B.B. Hood Vs Ruin Guarder (Gi Gi)
10:15 Ending
10:41 Outro

Deadpool created by "Infinite"/ Edited by "Tiger-Boy".
B.B. Hood/Bulleta created by "Koopakoot" / Edited by "varo_hades", "gui0007" and "Tiger-Boy".
Ruin Guarder (Gi Gi) created by "Trasgo7"/ Edited by "IDKLED" and "Tiger-Boy".

-"Enchanted Woodland".
-Created by "Varied Stuff"/ Edited by "Mazemerald"/ Converted to Mugen 1.0 by "kater15".

-"Tower Of Sacrifices".
-Created by "MatreroG".
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Constructive Feedback is always Welcome.
If you have any advise or ideas,
or if there are any issues, please let me know.


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