Donald Trump & The Knights of Malta Connection – Part 2 of 2 – Scott Hensler

1 month ago

This is a two part series by Scott Hensler with a bonus attachment videos about the Trump family and Nikoli Tesla regarding energy weapons and other technologies.

This is Part 2.

Who is Donald Trump?

Where did he come from?

Is he for real?

Is he a puppet?

Is he for the New World Order?

Where is he taking us?

Trump is definitely in the club as he is related to all of the other presidents and Hillary is his cousin – 13 times removed.

Scott says that Freemasons reject Jesus Christ at 31st degree and receive Lucifer as their God at 33rd.

The men who started America and the ones who run the Governments are Luciferian.

Scott says the Queen of England is a Reptilian and he also said Putin is too and is very old he says – no proof, but that is what he says.

Scott said that China has access to ALL our US patents which allows them to copy everything we do and sometimes even have it out before. He said that Clinton sold this access to them as Obama sold access to our Arms and Ports.

Trump was Jesuit trained involved with the Catholic Jesuit Colleges and Scott says his God is “Lucifer.”

When he speaks of God he really is pulling one over on us.

This country was founded on Freemasonry. The country is a Corporation. It is under Maritime Law and is still secretly controlled by British Empire.

Trump is a high level mason.

About the Jesuits: You have a Pope that stands in front of the World that wears White and you have a Secret Order where the Pope wears Black.

The term Catholicism means Universal – it means to embrace all religions.

The Men in Black according to Scott are the Jesuits. They do the dirty work when people get out of line.

The Serpent is their God, they all worship Lucifer. They don’t believe that Lucifer fell, they believe he got screwed by God and got a raw deal. According to Scott he hasn’t fell yet to be Satan.

Satan is rank in the demonic category.

The Jesuits are over the Freemasons and the Illuminati and have sold their souls to the Darkside. They are all Luciferians.

CERN is all about creating portals to allow demons in.

*Note: These were opinion / beliefs of Scott Hensler.

Watch Part 1 here → Donald Trump & The Knights of Malta Connection – Part 1 of 2 – Scott Hensler

Part 2 here → Donald Trump & The Knights of Malta Connection – Part 2 of 2 – Scott Hensler

Part 3 here → Donald Trump, Nikola Tesla and Uncle John Trump - Scott Hensler

Source: Grump Old Exorcist --

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END. 12/14/2024 3:00 AM

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