OMG Investigates FEMA – Part 2: O’Keefe Calls FEMA’s Mysterious 'HAL' Robot-Like Representative

3 months ago

“We just want to know where the cars are going,” James O’Keefe said to an official representing Strategic Security Corp. outside of a FEMA lodging facility, pressing for details on the movement and whereabouts of the disaster relief resources in North Carolina. The official responded, “If they didn't give you the information you want, then I'm sorry... you're gonna have to go.”

O'Keefe Media Group visited a FEMA lodging facility to investigate concerns about transparency and accountability in the wake of Hurricane Helene relief efforts. While staff redirected inquiries to FEMA's media affairs team, residents were again left without answers to vital questions.

O’Keefe continued, referencing revelations made by FEMA Whistleblower Kelsey Goodman, stating that “DEI is part of the core values of FEMA” and adding that they “don't service people if they have a Trump flag on their lawn.” In an attempt to dodge accountability, a FEMA employee bluntly stated, “I'm not a spokesman for FEMA, dude.”

When pressed further, a FEMA employee revealed, “I've just got a family I'm trying to protect,” referring to the tense environment surrounding FEMA’s staff, with some employees’ reluctant to speak out for fear of backlash. FEMA officials proceeded to cite additional safety concerns, explaining they were “not allowed to give out that kind of information for safety reasons,” before refusing to answer any more questions.

O’Keefe called the number provided by FEMA, for answers on disaster relief efforts. A person named Nicole, representing FEMA, answered the call. Her blunt, repetitive responses earned her the nickname “HAL,” coined from "2001: A Space Odyssey." Despite O'Keefe's efforts, Nicole's vague, robotic answers only fueled suspicions about FEMA's lack of transparency. OMG is determined to track down this "HAL/Nicole" figure to uncover the truth and hold FEMA accountable. Stay tuned for part 3….

Source: OkeefeMediaGroup

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