Hillary Clinton & Huma Abedin exposed in FRAZZLEDRIP

3 months ago

I remember all this stuff coming out during the 2016 US Presidential election as the whole PIZZAGATE stuff was exploding online as Wikileaks was slowly releasing the John Podesta emails right up until election day in November 2016.

@4:11 is Erik Prince (Original Blackwater founder) talking about these scandals and I remember Erik was on Breitbart radio in November 2016 where he said he had a contact inside of the NYPD that confirmed the Hillary/Huma snuff film (Frazzle Drip).

Attorney Sidney Powell (In this video) had a contact inside NYPD that told her and even Roger Stone had a contact inside NYPD that confirmed the snuff film video back then in 2016.

Ignore the QANON stuff they posted in this video as I was one of the few people on YT back in mid 2018 DEBUNKING IT with easy and trying to show the QTARDS how they are being DECEIVED (Because I went onto the 4chan where they were posting and it was so easy to see how they were deceiving people but I learned back then that those who love those HOPIUM FEELINGS are all unknowingly in a CULT and believing everything they are told by an anonymous CULT LEADER on 4CHAN and only TIME through many disappointments do they FINALLY begin to think objectively and realize they were conned. I see some people in the comment sections of other channels still saying all these political criminals have been EXECUTED AT GITMO. Talk about NAIVE & GULLIBLE PEOPLE!

@6:50 mark: On the right side is the young girl that Hillary Clinton & Huma Abedin are said to have murdered in a Satanic snuff film as I have posted a FRAZZLE DRIP video a year ago showing more pictures of it. Just search in Rumble "Frazzledrip Libertarian99".

I had seen a couple videos on Bitchute claiming they watched FRAZZLEDRIP on the DARK WEB and described it saying it was very dark. Having 3-4 people have contacts in the NYPD confirm it was enough for me. Of course Obamas Attorney General Loretta Lynch threatened the NYPD from going public on this disgusting stuff on Anthony Weiner's laptop. Anthony labeled the file "INSURANCE" because he KNEW what kind of psychopathic killers the Clintons are and it would acts as a DEAD MAN SWITCH if anything happened to him as he was not in the film itself but his then wife Huma Abedin was.

Is anybody shocked to learn that Huma Abedin is now engaged to fellow Satanist George Soros's son Alexander Soro?

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