Jacobie Radio

3 months ago

i in no way claim ownership of these songs they are made by people alot more talented then me
0:00 the ascension of James II
1:46 Hey Johnny Cope
5:00 Ye Jocbites by name
8:39 Bonnie Dundee
11:48 Cam' Ye By Atholl
14:11 Wha Wadna Fecht for Charlie?
16:17 Rise! Rise!
19:23 The wee German Lairdie
21:30 Òran Eile don Phrionnsa “Another song of the Prince”
25:57 Searlas Óg “Charles the Younger”
29:27 wha'll be king but Charlie?
32:09 Welcome Royal Charlie
35:23 It Was A' For Our Rightful King
39:03 Lady Keith's Lament
43:58 Cam Ye O'er Frae France
46:20 The Roses O' Prince Charlie
49:12 Wae's Me for Prince Charlie
53:09 When the King enjoys his own again/when the King comes home in peace again

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