Macron bends the knee | The boss is BACK! (45+’s Face 🀣) FAFO πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡«πŸ‡·

1 month ago

And just think 45+ was a threat to our democracy just a few weeks back but now it’s a honor. No one’s buying it especially Trump.

If Trump was currently in office he’d talk Macron to eat shit but this was all about optics w/solidarity. Both on the opposing team in this battle of Patriotism Vs Globalism. 45+ has his FKN war face on.. 🀣🀣

This scumbag looks extremely uncomfortable or just intimidating. Both put a smile on my face.

Macron will have his lips permanently attached to Trumps ass until Jan 20th and up to the moment France citizens remove the tyrant pos.

I just realized writing that last sentence I’ve not seen one video of citizens speaking out about Macron.

They’ll smack the fire out of his ass. It’s happened twice now, and it was FKN hilarious, but no post nor video in protest? Strange and very unlikely. I’ve seen protests, and shared them all here, from around the world .

The citizens almost, so close πŸ‘Œ, about burnt that mfkr to the ground a few months ago. It was bad.

Thousands of Farmers protested for weeks and even used some kind of machine to spray SHIT all over their buildings. Well deserved trying to cripple their food chain kind of like what we’ve seen here.

That UN & Davos agenda in plain sight.

All to make make the citizens dependent on their government. β€œEat Ze Bugs” & β€œOwn Nothing & Be Happy”.

They want them broken and begging for Klaus’s & WEF’s Great FKN Reset. #Agenda2030

Same here… #MAGA will stick that great reset & bugs right up their satanic assholes. #ZeroLube

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