AI World and the Cashless Society- REESE REPORT

1 month ago

Libertarian99 here: Anyhow, as far as this Greg Reese video. Everybody in crypto knows that RIPPLE or XRP is a banker coin yet some absolutely believe in it and it is now the #3 crypto currency based on Market Capitalization (Shares/Coins X PRICE= 146 Billion) and only behind Bitcoin & Ethereum.

I personally believe that BITCOIN was started by the establishment (CIA/NSA) and what better way to get regular people (Initially Libertarians who hate the bankers) build it for them after believing that a MYSTERIOUS MAN named Satoshi Nakamoto built it for the good of humanity.

Nobody really knows who Satoshi Nakamoto (pseudonym) really is. Some people believe he is/was a reclusive genius who solved the "DOUBLE SPENDING" dilemma as Crypto Currency has been around since the early 1990's and everyone knows about NSA trying to come up with a crypto currency and so were the CYPHER PUNKS who were a crypto activist group.

This Satoshi Nakamoto has never sold one of his 1 million bitcoins to date as you can see his original coins still on the blockchain (1,000,000 bitcoins X $100,000USD= $100 billion dollars!). He/She/it was the very first miner mining these bitcoins for .01 cent between 2009-2011 until others got involved and took over as Bitcoin became officially "DECENTRALIZED" once the inventor left unlike the Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin who still runs/influences things on his #2 crypto currency.

The reason I believe Bitcoin comes from the establishment is because I have seen too many COINCIDENCES of things I think are statistically impossible where people are always seeing Bitcoin hit the same MILESTONES on the very SAME AMOUNT OF DAYS into a new 4-year cycle almost like there is an algo-rhythm Program buying & selling Bitcoin to do what they want. I have seen too many "coincidences" (and I don't believe in coincidences anymore) which is why I believe Bitcoin is run by the establishment but being pushed as a DECENTRALIZED asset with no one in control so to be perceived as a "Free Market".

That being said.... you can still make GOOD MONEY if you know how to play the cycles of crypto and do the exact OPPOSITE of what the majority of the public does but the majority of my money is in physical Precious metals in my possession as I don't trust anything but that which I know I own and IS real money.

There is a stable coin that Black rock owns/controls run by CIRCLE. Back in March 2023 when Silicon bank & 2 others collapsed over night (And Peter Thiel was on the phone to all his buddies telling them to withdraw their money from these banks before they collapse- A Total INSIDER!) and I was shocked when the SOLID STABLE COIN run by Blackrock collapsed 13% in an hour down to .87 of a US DOLLAR after Silicon Valley bank went down instead of staying at the 1:1 ratio matching of the $1USD and that was on a Saturday and they immediately pumped it back up to 1:1 hours later (To keep the CONFIDENCE up) as many PANIC SOLD and lost 13%. Just shows how anything can happen even in a so called STABLE COIN.

The #4 STABLECOIN "TETHER" was the first stable coin founded by known pedophile BROCK PIERCE (Who also had a bit part in the 1997 movie "MIGHTY DUCKS"). He was featured on "An OPEN SECRET" in 2014 with other Hollywood pedophiles & Digital Entertainment pedophiles where they all left the USA when they had arrest warrants for them. A few years later he is setting up and running the first crypto STABLECOIN "Tether". Whenever their is a scheduled AUDIT, Millions of dollars gets transferred to Tether the day before the audit and it leaves the day AFTER the audit.

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